Chapter Ten

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*Iris’ POV* 

I wake up in my hotel bed, wrapped up in the throw from my trailer cocooned around my small figure. I open my drowsy eyes to see a note placed beside me on the spare pillow. I unravel my arms out of the throw and pick up the note. It read:

“Came in to see you sleeping in your trailer so I decided to take you back to the hotel. You look so peaceful when you’re sleeping, I like to hope I was the reason for that smile on your face? See you on set  –Josh xx” I laughed and then realised how he had seen me, sleeping is such an unattractive look on me; well I suppose that’s better in my circumstance. 

Even though Josh wants to ‘Fix me’ i am not entirely sure how he intends to do that and whether it will affect me or not.

All I know is he does have some kind of affect on me but I am not sure what that is. I mean my stomach tingles when he smiles and it makes me happy to know that he tries, and that he isn’t giving up any time soon: but who doesn’t feel those things.

I can be friends with Josh.

I can handle that.

I think. 

~~On set~~

After having a shower and thinking things out I have decided that being friends with someone who tries so hard and who would give his own time to ensure you have a good night’s sleep is someone that should at least have a chance at being friends. I don’t intend to be anything more with Josh, he’s too…well… not my type I guess.

I walk with a mochachino in my hands toward the make-up trailer, pushing my ray bans up my face and into my hair, keeping my bangs out of my face. I’m wearing shorts and a ‘Ramones’ vest top and a white pair of low-cut converses. People mutter ‘Morning Iris’ as I walk into my trailer. I walk straight into the kitchen area and grab myself a can of coca cola and walk through to the living space to find a lily laying on the sofa. 

My favourite flower. I smile and wonder who the giver is. As I run the people who know about this being my favourite flower scans through my brain –searching for answers- Josh struts into the room and smiles at me holding the lily. 

“You like it?” He asks

“Oh so it was you?” I mutter as he moves closer to me, it’s funny that 2 days ago being this close to him would have made me slap him and cower in the corner. I guess you could say that I have matured over the last couple of days. He looks at the space between us and smiles, then a worry engrosses his face and he takes a large step back. 

“Sorry, I forgot.” He states 

“It’s fine.” I tell him.

“Are you sure? Woah soon you’ll be okay with my dog kisses?” He retorts. 

“Hah. No chance. Besides, you’re ‘Fixing me’ not being in a relationship with me and if that is what you wanted, then you’re well off because that will never happen.” I say poking his chest as he comes closer to me. 

“Wow. That hurts: and not just the violent poking.” He says holding his chest and pretending to look hurt.

I just laugh at him and rub his ‘wound’.

“Feel better now?” I say, sounding way more flirty than i intended it to be (which was no flirting). 

“I’m sure I will manage with that weak attempt to comfort me.” He says laughing. 

“Good thing or a bad thing?” I ask.

“Good. Anyway I have to go to MY PRIVATE make-up artist because someone couldn’t possibly interact with me.” He says nudging my shoulder as he walks past me. He waves a goodbye at the door and walks out. Leaving a smile on my face. I don’t know whether it was from him making me laugh, or just him. 

Never thought I would say that. 


This was a massive filler chapter:D 

Anything you want to happen in the next chapter? Any ideas?

Please tell me what you think it helps a lot 


Fixing you -Josh Hutcherson Love StoryМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя