Chapter Fourteen.

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*Josh’s POV* 

I walk around the car to open the passenger seat of which Iris is sitting in. 

“Thank you” She mutters as she steps out of the car. Gorgeous. As we walk toward the set to get things for tomorrow ready she slips her right hand into my left and smiles lightly. I smile to myself and walk her toward her trailer. 

“You know I can walk myself.” She says, looking at me and smiling. 

“I’m trying to be a gentleman. I mean if we’re going to be together then you need to get used to it.” I reply, smiling at the fact she’s giving me a chance. 

“Sorry, not used to it.” She says smiling up at me. I release my hand from hers and drape my arm over her shoulders. 

“Well, you go into your trailer, and I will come by soon. I have just got to talk to Liam quick.” I say, she nods and I kiss her cheek making her blush. 

I watch her as she walks into her trailer and closes the door. I smile widely and look around. ‘How did this happen?’ I think to myself making me smile wider.

I turn on my heel and start to head toward Liam’s trailer. I start to pick up the pace and before I knew it I am running across the set. Within a minute I’m at the door of Liam’s trailer. I lightly tap on the door and let myself in. Liam is sitting on the love seat while Jennifer is swivelling on the spinning chair, watching some show about panda’s. They both turn to look at me, Liam opens his mouth and I let out a scream. They stare wide eyed as I start to laugh at myself.

“So went well?” Liam asks me in his accent. 

“More than well Li. SHE IS GIVING ME A CHANCE.” I reply shouting excitedly. 

“Yeah we know. You’re friends.” Jen says biting into an apple. 

“No, NOT ANYMORE. We’re taking a shot at a relationship! You know what this means?! I FIXED HER. Well at least I’m close to anyway. She is FINALLY letting me in do you know how GOOD that feels?” II shout gripping Jennifer by the shoulders. 

“Man she’s got you whipped.” Liam says smiling. I laugh and nod lightly. 

“Go on then. Get back to your GIRLFRIEND.” Jen teases pushing me lightly out of the door. I don’t object to this and willingly walk out into the cold air of the night. 

The trailer door closes and I smile again. I start to walk toward Iris’ trailer. Smiling the whole way. 

*Iris’ POV* 

I walked into the trailer and went straight to the window. Looking at Josh: he turns on his heel, smiling all the time. Out of nowhere he starts to move, then jog, then run still smiling a lot. I laugh lightly and close the curtains over the window. I walk to the bathroom and rearrange the make up on the side. Looking into the mirror I redo my light make up making me look a little better. I brush through my hair. I walk back into the living area and grab a bottle of apple juice and take a sip. I walk into the bath room area again, grabbing my Iphone that I had left in the room. I hear something at the door then I realise someone had walked in.

“Honey, I’m home!” Josh shouts jokingly. I laugh. 

“Hello. You want something to eat or drink?” I ask him. He shakes his head. 

“Nah, I’m good.” He says. 

“I saw you run when you left.” I say, he looks down blushing. I laugh a little.

“It was kinda cute.” I say to calm him. “Kinda like a dog.” I finish making him laugh.

“Aaah a reference from our past. “ He laughs. He looks at me, wiping a strand of hair which falls in front of my face and moving it behind my ear with concentration on his face. 

“You’re such a pain you know?” he says, looking into my eyes. 

“What’d you mean?” I ask.

“You take THIS long to realise that I really like you. But nonetheless. I am over the moon you’ve given us a chance.” He states smiling at the end. 

“So am i. But Josh I need you to promise me one thing.” I reply looking at him. 

“You’ll give me the time I need. I know it’s going to go real slow but I promise I will come through at the end.” I say, blushing a little. 

“I’m sure it’ll be worth the wait.” He says, taking me into his arms and kissing the top of my head. I feel my eyes starting to relax as I rest my head against his firm chest. My eyes droop closed and I fall asleep in Josh’s warm and comforting arms. 





Fixing you -Josh Hutcherson Love Storyحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن