Chapter Twenty-two.

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*Iris’ POV*

Having Josh in England is good for me. I mean really good. He makes me catch up on the coursework I missed while I was in America. He cooks. He tries to clean but fails miserably. He is all I could ever ask for. I feel Josh and I have become closer as the days have progressed. We sleep closer in each other’s, and I definitely trust him more than anyone or anything. 
Josh hasn’t told me when he will be leaving but to be honest, I don’t really want to know. It’ll just make me count the days until I am unhappy, and broken again. Even though I am fully aware that things will have to end between us I always find myself falling more in love with him every time I look into his deep hazel eyes.
I shake my head from my daze return to the park where Josh and I were taking a stroll. He clasps my hand tight, not needing to talk: the silence talking for itself. He turns his head and looks at me with a smile on his face. He brings his warm and to my cheek and wipes it. 
“What?” I ask.
“You had a tear. Everything okay?” 
“Yeah, I’m better than ever.” I reply, kissing him on the cheek. Nowadays I feel myself want to kiss him more; and kiss him for longer. I think I just need him as a part of me.
He smiles again releasing my hand and bringing me into a hug. 
“Baby?” Josh asks. 
“You know you didn’t want to know when I have to leave?” He says, face dropping a little. I nod.
“It’s tomorrow. I have to leave tomorrow.” He says, sounding mad. Not at me, but at himself.
I sigh and ley a tear drop from my eye, swiftly wiping it away so Josh doesn’t see. Now is not the time. I have to let him know that I will be okay. I don’t want to be his baggage that he has to deal with all the time. Even though a part of me just died.
He looks into my eyes. 
“You will be fine Iris. As long as we keep contact, I will be back before you know it.” He says, kissing my fore head. He takes my small hands in his larger ones and turns around to walk back to my apartment, where we will await the day that our love gets torn apart once more. 

When we return to the apartment and I decide to wind Josh up a little to lighten the mood. I push Josh down onto the sofa, I didn’t judge the distance and he takes a knock to the head on the edge of the coffee table and rolls off of the sofa, holding onto his now bruised head. I run to his, muttering ‘sorry’ at least 10 times as I go. 
“JOSH I AM SO SORRY ARE YOU OKAY?” I screech. Just then I hear a bang outside. Brushing it off I come to Josh’s aid.
“I’m fine… But you won’t be!” He says flipping me over onto the floor, him over me. His hands come to my sides and he starts to tickle me: not stopping. I cannot contain my laughter. He pins me down my hands, I pretend to be scared and scream, smiling still. 
Josh leans closer and puckers his lips, I close my eyes awaiting the well-deserved kiss when Josh gets off of me. At first am I confused ‘Did I do something?’ I think to myself. I open my eyes and see something you just can’t unsee. 
My father standing above me, Josh in his arms. He takes a swift movement back as if to punch him. I haul myself up and step in between them not caring about my own safety.
My father takes a right hook unwillingly to my jaw making me fall to the floor. 
“IRY!?” My dad shouts as I fall. I look up and see Josh coming to my side my father follows Josh’s actions. 
“Iris what were you doing, that should have been me.” Josh says through tears.
“Iry I am so sorry. I was trying to teach him not to hurt you-“ My father starts
“WAIT WHAT?” I say as Josh hands me a tissue for my bleeding mouth.
“He was hurtin-“
“Iry i-“ 
“Just leave.” I say pointing at the door. He gives Josh the death glare and walks out the door. 


“Do you have EVERYTHING?!” I ask Josh as we stand in the middle of the airport.
“Yes, and It doesn’t matter if I don’t. We’ll see each other soon baby.” He says lightly kissing me on my lips for the 47th time in this past hour. 
“ I don’t want you to go babe.” I say, kissing him roughly.
“I don’t want to go. But I have too.”
My phone buzzes in my pocket. I take the phone out ‘Kiethykins’, I roll my eyes, seeing my fathers caller ID and placing it back into my pocket. 
“So…” I mutter just before his airplane gets called for boarding. I let a tear fall and kiss him passionately. 
“I love you Iris, don’t ever forget that. Now go home and I will call you when I land.” He says kissing the tip of my nose. I watch as he makes his way through the terminal. 
“I love you.” He mouths as he turns away. I lose sight of him and break down in tears. I sit down onto the metal chairs and cry more. My phone vibrates again and I pick up.
“What do you want dad?” I say through the tears. 
“He’s out.” My dad mutters.
“Who’s out?” 

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