Chapter Twenty- Five.

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*Josh’s POV* 

“Ms Ardine, it’s Josh, Josh Hutcherson. I just landed in England. Do you know what has happened to Iris?” I say through the phone, not wanting to waste time.

“No sweetie, I’m on a business call. Why, what is the matter?” She says worriedly. 

“Well, Drew is out, and it looks like he has Iris. I need to find her. Do you have ANY idea where he could have taken her?” 

“No idea. Go see Keith, I’m sure he can help he lives on 65 ******** lane. Please hurry and make sure my baby is okay” She says crying through the phone. The call ends and I rush back to the car, dialling in the name of the road Keith lives at into my SAT NAV and starting the engine. I feel a tear drop down my face.

‘She means everything to me and I just let her go, I didn’t keep her safe like I promised too. I love her and I let her get hurt.’ I say to myself over and over in my head as the tears continue to fall. Within 30 minutes I arrive at Keith’s house. One day ago I would have hesitated to knock on his door, but now? Hell no. I knock on the door loudly. Within 10 seconds Keith answers. 

“What do you want?” He says smugly. 

“You need to help me Keith. Iris is gone. I called her, Drew answered. I’m scared for her Keith please help.” 

“She hates me because of you. I could easily find her myself without you helping.” Keith says putting on a leather jacket.

“Drew is strong yeah? I mean Keith, you’re not getting any younger. You will need all of the help that you can get. Plus I can put the word out there, globally.”

“Smart ass that is the kind of fucking attention that he wants.” Keith retorts, pushing me back into a wall.

“Love me or hate me, we have to find your daughter before Drew does something hasty. I love yor daughter and I am going to try and find her. If you want me to leave her alone afterward then so be it, I will leave. But right now? You need all the help you can get, and I might just be able to help you.” I say through tears, extending my arm. He roughly grabs my hand.

“Lets go get my only child.” He says, smiling. He walks out the door and gets into my land rover. 

“Any idea where we’re going?” Keith says.

“None at all.” 

~Iris’ POV~

“If you’re going to do it just fucking do it already Drew. I want to die if it means being in your presence for another week or two.” I say.

“FUCK YOU.” Drew says, punching me in the face. Smirking. “ I will do what I want with you. Thought you would have learnt that from what happened last night. You know you aren’t all that bad… but not the best.” He says, making me snap my legs shut and cry more- ashamed of what I let him do to me. 

“I’m bored. Shall we give your pretty boy of a boyfriend a call?” Drew says, picking up my phone and dialling his number. 

“Hello.” He answers after a few rings. 

“Joshua. It’s Drew. How have you been? I just thought I would call and let you know what Iris is like on the bedroom front.” Drew says making me wince. 

“WHAT THE FUCK DID YOU DO TO HER!” Josh shouts into the phone. I hear the screeching of tires and then no sound.

“Oooh, Josh is getting a bit emotional about it Iry, did you hear that?” He says looking at me and pointing to the phone. I sigh loudly and hear muffling of the phone. 

“Hand back my daughter Drew.” My father says into the phone.

“Or what old man? You’ll come down here and bite my ass with your denture? Keep dreaming.” 

“I’ll tell you what Drew. Considering you think that you can talk like that, and do what you did to my daughter, why not let us meet you, and we can settle this in a manly fashion?” My father says, Drew considers this for a moment before replying.

~~Josh’s POV~~

Still shaken by what Drew told me about Iris, Keith keeps talking to Drew. After a few he puts the phone on speaker and puts it in front of both of us.

“You know what. You’ve got yourself a deal. Oh and f you even think about calling the police on my ass, I WILL kill your beloved daughter and former lover. I think I will get a head start now. Come down to Ashtown Factory and we’ll settle things then, but for now. I want you to pick 1 or 2.”

Keith and I exchange a look before Keith blurts out ‘2’.

“Oh, the slitting of the wrists. Good choice, painful so you will hear her screams.” He says and without warning we hear the screams of a girl. Not just any girl. My girl. Iris. Tears form in my eyes as I hang up the phone and put the car into drive. I look over at Keith who is now also crying. 

“He’s in such a little known place. Noone would have found her out here. Just surrounded by woodland, no towns. Nothing.” Keith says as I make a right turn for Ashtown. I follow the bumpy road down and come to an abandoned factory. Me and Keith both get out, not caring that we are unarmed. Just wanting Iris back. 

We walk through the door at the front and walk down a hall. At the end of the hallway there is a door. We walk through it and a man on a swivel chair turns to see us. 

“Oh Friends, how nice of you to join me.” He says standing and walking toward us. 

“Where is she.” I mutter, clenching my fists. 

“Oh, we decided to make use of her stay so I handed her over to one of the other men. You can never have too many right?” He mutters, looking me right in the eyes. I move toward him and punch him straight in the temple. He rebounds and kicks me in the gut. Keith moves me so I am standing up straight and kicks him in the balls. I grab him by the hair and bring his face to my knee. Breaking his nose.

“Woah, you two make a good team.” He says, we hear loud footsteps coming down the hallway.

“SIR!” A man in black says.

“What Noah?” 

“She’s gone. The door was left open and she got out.” 

“FUCK!” Drew shouts, holding his nose and trying to push past Keith and i. 

I turn on my heel and run back to where we came in, Keith right behind me. When we reach outside Keith gets into the car, stating that he is getting the police. I proceed to run through the trees. Without notice. I slip and bang my head on a rock, out like a light. 

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