Chapter Thirteen.

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*Iris’ POV*

“You like ‘Sleeping With Sirens’ ?!” he asks, looking at my shirt. 

“Uhuh.” I say getting out of the parked car at the cinema. He makes a confuse face and jumps out of the car. We walk toward the cinema and I excuse myself to go to the ladies room while he orders the tickets. I walk into the ladies room and inhale deeply. I don’t even need the toilet I just needed to think.

I must act as hostile toward Josh as I can; in a friend way. If that is possible. I put some water on my face to cool and calm me down, dry my face then make my way out to meet Josh. 

He stands holding two cinema tickets, come popcorn and sweets. He smiles at me as I walk toward him, I give him a small smirk and take something from his arms. He thanks me and we walk into theatre 4. We sit at the back of the cinema and I shrug myself down the velvety seat, preparing for the movie to start. 

“So, did you have a good night’s sleep?” Josh asks taking a sip of his drink. 

“What’s it got to do with you pretty boy?” I ask. Why did I call him pretty boy?

“Ooh someone’s getting feisty. I was just wondering if everything was okay, that’s all. That’s what good friends do.” He smirks. 

“I need to ask you something.” He says. 

“Go for it.” I reply. 

“Why are you so adamant for nothing to happen between us?” He asks, take in a big breath and look into his hazel eyes which glow even in the dark. 

“Because no matter what we will not be able to pursue anything. I’ll be going back to England soon and it isn’t like we can have a relationship across the globe.” I reply and watch his face become sad but smile widen. 

“What?” I ask.

“Iris it isn’t like we wouldn’t see each other, we could skype and I could fly you out here every now and again, and I could come and see you over in the UK. It would be fine. If you were open to trying of course.” He states.

“So what are we watching again?” I ask, trying to change the subject.

“The dark Knight was sold out so we’re watching ‘The Conjuring’ now. If that’s okay with you. If you don’t get scared.” He smiles. I shake my head.

“I’m tough. I can handle this.” I say, he laughs. 

“D’you want me to tell you a joke to calm your nerves?” He whispers as more people walk into the cinema. I nod my head. 

“What is green and has wheels?” He asks

“I don’t know what?” I reply, curious.

“Grass. I lied about the wheels.” He replies back chuckling lightly. I laugh loudly and look at Josh who is smiling down at me. I look down and realise that my arm has snaked around his . I smile up at him. ‘This wouldn’t be half bad you know?’ I say to myself then shake my head, dismissing the thought. The movie starts and I feel my body tense. I watch closely as the movie unfolds, Josh pushes me away, I look at him confused. He moves up the arm of the chair so that I can move closer to him. I do. My body moulds into his side as the movie moves on. When the mother plays ‘Clap Tag’ I know that something will happen. She moves toward the closet and I tense. The closet opens and I tense. The hands come out of the closet and I bury my face into his shoulder. I feel his body chuckle as he pulls me into his chest and holds me close . Scarier bits unfold and I tense more. By the end of the movie tears are rolling down my cheeks and Josh holds me close and mutters things in my ear. Telling me that everything will be fine and that it is just a movie. 

“Josh” I ask as the credits roll down the screen.

“Yes?” He replies

“Lets try.”

“Try what?” He asks.





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