Chapter Seven

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*Liam’s POV* 

I settled myself in the trailer while Iris went to put the make-up wipes away she just used to wipe away Gale from my face.

“So Iris, I need to talk to you…” I mutter, not wanting to upset one of my closest friends. 

“What hun?” she says, skipping back into the room. 

“I-I can’t make it tomorrow. I’m really ill. I think I have a fever or something..” I say trying to act as believable as possible, with no luck.

“You don’t look sick, and you haven’t got a temperature. You look like normal.. You sure you’re ill Liam?” She asks feeling my forehead. 

“Yeah, definitely. I have to run to the doctors later..phew I feel bad. Anyway maybe someone else can take you?” I suggest. She considers this for a moment and retorts with 

“Oh like who? Jen will be filming, not that I would want to go with her anyway.. and all the other people I am friends with on set are either filming or are old so probably couldn’t rollerblade with me.” 

“I was thinking, maybe Josh?” I mutter, unsure of what her actions will be. 

“YOU HAVE GOT TO BE KIDDING ME. Josh. No way am I spending time with him. I have spent the last two weeks ignoring him and keeping away from him. Why would I make myself go through that?” I yell back. 

As on cue Josh comes strutting into the trailer, pretending to ask whether he could borrow my bbq tongs. Great excuse Josh. 

I looked at Iris with pleading eyes, she rolls her eyes and gives a slight nod. 

“So Josh. D’you want to go out tomorrow with Iris, roller skating I think? I can’t because of me feeling ill.” I say looking at Josh trying not to laugh. 

“Uh, sure I am not doing anything. What time you want me to come and get you?” he says, looking past me to Iris. 

“7.” She bluntly says before rising off of her seat then walking out of the trailer saying “IT’S NOT A DATE AND WE ARE BY NO MEANS FRIENDS.” 

Josh looks at me, smiling widely. 

“YES!” He shouts running around like a child who just got the toy they asked for at Christmas. 

“Don’t waste this time Josh.. TELL HER how you feel. If you don’t I will.” I say as he runs out of the trailer, undoubtedly telling Jen. 

*Iris’ POV* 

I walk hands in my pockets back to my trailer. Why am I blushing?

I really don’t want to go to the skating rink with Josh, im sure he is ‘nice’ as everyone says but I don’t want to give him time to affect me. I mean what if we do become friends, or more and then he just dumps me when I have to go back to England? 

No. I can’t let that happen. 

Josh seems like my type which is why I am so scared of him.

Nonetheless he is the only person who has tried with me.. not forced me or walked away when I said that I didn’t want them in any way. 




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