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Vishalaya's POV

Where the hell did these guys disappear to? They won't even answer there phones.

It's been two months now. Who disappears for that long?

"Hey, are you ready?" Kanika asked.

I nodded.

We were going on a trip a bit down south from where we live.

We all piled into the car and left.

After an extremely long drive we all went to the hotel and put our stuff away.

Us two girls decided to go to the beach. We could use a walk and some fresh air.

---Nayana's POV ---

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---Nayana's POV ---

A day at the beach was exactly what we needed.

"Have you contacted your father in the past two months?" I asked Hussain.

He nodded.

"He's going to go crazy if we didn't. I'd just call at times I knew it'd go to voice-mail and left messages. He knows we are alive at least," he said.

"I honestly don't know what to say to that," I said.

"It's okay," he said.

"Anyways, we've managed to lose the others again," I said.

Right when I said that I got a text saying that the others were on there way home and we need to leave ASAP!

I showed it to Hussain and he suggested we follow the rules and leave.

When we got home we found out exactly why. Apparently, the other two morons aka- Vishalaya and Kanika were there.

"Do you think they saw us?" Shehry asked.

"It's possible," Lily said.

"So now what?" Hussain asked.

"Now you move out. I'm sure they followed you here," Lily said.

"But knowing them, they won't come til tomorrow so you'll leave tonight," she added.

"Then let's pack," Shehry said and the two guys went outside.

"Do you have an idea of where to next?" I asked.

"Yep," she said.

We all began to pack and took everything down. We had a bored of putting the house on sale and put it up before we left to the next place.

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