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---Nayana's POV ---

"Kiara! Wake up!" I yelled for the tenth time.

Seriously, she sleeps like a baby.

I barged into her room and yelled for her to get up again and she finally did.

I got breakfast ready and she came out after everything was done.

"Ready to go?" I asked.

She nodded.

We went to the hospital and both of us looked at each other before going inside.

"It's going to be okay, right?" She asked.

I nodded.

We went inside and went to the emergency area.

"Any news doctor?" I asked.

"Unfortunate news. We tried to call you both last night but nobody answered. Unfortunately, we were unable to save them. I'm very sorry," he said and left.

Kiara broke down so bad and as the elder one I tried to take care of her.

"They left us!" She said.

"I know. We have to stay strong for each other," I said.

The doctor came back with some police officer.

The officer introduced himself and asked us a few questions and told us something that shocked both of us.

The person who killed my parents was waiting here yesterday and actually helping how he could.

The cops asked now if we wanted to press any charges and I looked over at Kiara.

"No," we said.

"Alright,"he said.

"But is the complaint filed?" She asked.

"Yes," he said.

"Okay," she said.

With that the officer left.

After some paperwork even we left.

"We'll be okay, right?" Kiara asked.

I nodded.

But how was i supposed to know if we were actually going to be okay?

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