Are you my Angel?

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You sat on the window sill, staring into the night sky where the stars shined and the moon glowed. A sigh blew past your lips as you randomly started drawing pictures with your finger on the frosted window pane. You were basically just drawing random shapes rather than something intentional. In a few seconds, you realized your little mural of shapes actually turned out to be something. You stopped and looked at your picture. It turned out to be a picture of an angel. You couldn't help but stare at it. 'Why did I draw that...?' You thought as you pulled your gold angel charm from out of your shirt and stared at it. Memories of your late parents started to flow through your head, causing your heart to fill with sadness. During the midst of remembering your depressing past, you didn't realize that Pitch had entered the room. You kept the room dim, just in case he would come by.

"Evening, (y/n)." You quickly wiped away your picture with your sleeve, before turning to him smiling. "Evening, father." You said, hoping he didn't notice what you were doing. Lucky for you, he didn't. He walked over and ran his fingers through your (h/l) (h/c) hair. "How was your day at school?" You shrugged. "Ehh, pathetic as always." You said nonchalantly. "Why am I not surprised?" Pitch asked with a smirk on his face. You started to smirk too until you remembered something. "Father, can I ask you a question?" He raised an eyebrow in curiosity. "Hm?" After a few seconds of pondering, you finally asked. "Who is Jack Frost?" Pitch stared at you with wide eyes, for he didn't expect nor hope you would ask such a question. 'What could ever have led her to ask that!?' Pitch quickly gained his composure, before replying. "Just like I said about those guardians we talked about before. Jack Frost is just a myth like any other creature you humans believe could actually exist. Do not pressure yourself with such a worthless subject." He said, hoping you would take heed in his words. Fortunately for him, you nodded your head in understanding. You knew your 'father' would never lie to you, therefore, you fully trusted him.
"So, how was that dreadful place you call school, today?" Pitch asked, in an attempt to change the subject. You let out an amusing laugh. "It's a pretty funny story actually...."


"You.....are unbelievable...." You casually sat in the armchair front of the principal's desk. You sat with your legs crossed as you rested your head on the back of your hand. You wore a mischievous smirk on your face that said 'Hello. I'm trouble.' The principal did nothing but stare at you in disbelief. "Many have been sent to my office for many things. Defacing school property. Stealing. Starting fights. Causing chemical explosions. BUT BITING OFF ANOTHER STUDENT'S EAR!?" Your smirk only grew wider as you wiped the side of your mouth for any of your victim's stray blood. "You're point is?" The principal glared at you. "Were you raised by the devil?" You gave a dark chuckle at his question. "I guess you can say that." Your principal's glare intensified. "I have lost track on how many time I've had to call the cops on you.

And every time you get let off easy with a simple house arrest. But this time, the police are actually considering to have you charged for assault and put in federal prison." Your devious smirk soon fell, as it was now your principal's turn to smirk. "The official decision will be made tomorrow." You sat up and leaned towards his face, a sinister grin growing on your face. "Do whatever you want because soon enough, I will reign over everything and everyone shall bow before me....that includes you." In your (e/c) were nothing but evil and darkness. By this time, this principal was now sick of your guts. "GET OUT OF MY OFFICE NOW AND DON''T EVER LET ME SEE YOUR FACE IN THIS SCHOOL AGAIN!"

You simply shrugged as you got up and started walking out of the office and exited the school. Your attitude still remaining the same. You didn't care what happened. All you cared about is that your 'father,' the 'King of Hell' was about to make you the 'Princess of Hell' once it becomes your birthday tomorrow. You couldn't wait to cause fear and suffering to those who deserved it, like Blake. Your smile only grew more and more at the thought of this. Pffft, if everyone thought you were scary now, just wait until tomorrow.

Once Black,Now White~(Jack Frost x Reader x Pitch Black)Where stories live. Discover now