Chapter 10 Happy Birthday Eve

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It's been so long lol I finally got a day without homeowork so I finished this chapter. It's short and sort of a filler but I hope you guys enoy it (This is unedited by the way)

So without further adue..................

It was the day before my birthday and I was stuck at home bored out of my mind. Ian had to go see his grandparents, Sophia was on a date with Calvin, Anna went with Dylan to meet his family, Anthony and Avery where wraped up in super secret party stuff with my mom, and I was stuck at home by myself.  I had gotten tired of flipping though the channels on tv so I dedcided to read, but then I finished my book. So I decided I would get dressed and go for a ride around town.  

Thirty minutes later I found myself pulling up to a two story house white house with a matching picket fence outside. Before I could talk myself out of it I walked up and knocked on the door.

"Channa is that you?" my step-mom asked in her english accent.

"In the flesh." I said posing  

" Where are my manners." she said steping out of the door." Come in Come in."

I walked in the house and followed her into the kitchen. The house as the same as I remeber only now it' looked lived in. Instead of freshly waxed smooth hard wood floors they where a bit more scratched. Instead of being spotless there where toys scattered all over the house.  

" Would you like some coffee." Eydie asked flipping her long brown hair back.

" Always."

Eydie was a young girl roughly about 25 years old. When she had just turned twenty one she moved from England to Atlanta to work at a law firm and thats when she met my dad. They where married a month later and within the year she was pregnant with the twins. Even though she has lived in the states for four year she still has a very strong  English accent.

"I just got back from london."  she said handing me my coffee. " Four sugars two creams just like you like it."  

"Yes ma'am." I smilled. "How are your parents." 

"Good asked about you a lot."

"Yeah, it's been a while sense I saw them last."  

" Oh I got you a birthday present while I was  across the pond." She smilled bascially jumping out of her seat." Do you want it now or would you like to wait."

"Umm now is as good a time as any." I said smilling. Eydie always bought me the best gifts. I never held what happened with my parents against Eydie she has always been sweet to me, and I'm pretty positive she didn't know about my mom when she met my dad.

"okay close your eyes and don't open until I say." She demand. I sat  with my eyes closed for what seemed like forever.

"Hold your hands out."  

I did as I was told and felt something  wide be placed in my hands.  


I opened my eyes and saw to find a framed and autographed Doctor Who poster.

"Do you love it or do you love?" Eydie asked.

"I Mutha friggen love it!" I screamed jumping out of my chair hugging her neck.

We both settled down and sat back down at the table. Three cups of coffee later we were sitting in the living room talking about her trip to london when we heard the front door open.

"Eydie are you here?" My dad called out as he rounded the corner.

"Yeah." Edyie laughed standing up and throwing her arms around my dads neck.  At that moment I could tell that they genuenilly loved each other I could see it in their eyes. The way they looked at each other is was like they had just met. I couldn't help but smile.  

" You to have some catching up to do." I said standing up and grabing my poster."So I'm gonna head out."

"Oh Channa you don't have to go." Eydie said  realseing my dad.

" Thanks, but I'm gonna give you guys some alone time before the twins come home."

"Alright then we will walk you to your car."Eydie pronounced loudly. "Snuggle lumpkins get  that for her."   

It took everything I had not to burst out laughing an act which didn't go unnoticed by my dad who sent a death glare my way.  As We all walked to my car and said our good byes. I couldn't help but think about  how much happier my dad seemed, maybe he truely wasen't happy with us. I pulled  up to my house at about 9 o'clock and still no one was home. I walked up to my room and took a shower. I got out and  walked down stiars to fix me some food and still there was nothing no, text, no call. no visiter. Not even m mom had called. I eventually just got tired of waiting and decided to go to bed. I was laying in bed trying to fall alseep when my phone vibrated. I looked at it and saw I had two messages one from Anna and one from Ian.

Happy Birthday Eve Love you sleep tight - Ian

Want your birthday hint?- Anna

I sent a quick I love you back to Ian and  texted Anna back yes. About an hour later I my phone vibrated again with a picture message from Anna. I opened it and saw a picture of popcorn. I smiled and laid back in bed and I was almost asleep when My phone vibrated again. I reached over and grabbed it and saw a message from a restricted number.

Times running out Channa  .....  

"Bring it bitch." was all I sent back before rolling over and going to sleep.

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