Chapter 3 Jeremy's back

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(hey guys this is unedited so you will have to kind of ignore all the stupid mistakes here.Oh I am sorry for the uh dryness of the kissing scenes I have NEVER been kissed so this is really me going off of hear say)

Two months,and fifteen days.Thats how long Ian and I have been dateing. Sense we dont really have any classes together we don't really talk much at school other than the ocasional lunch time visit. We haven't told anybody about us though not even Anna.That was my idea, it's not that I'm  ashmed or anything it's just nothing is official we are still 'dating ' so to speak and I don't want people to get all rowled up for nothing. As far as Anna was concerned mine and Ian's 'friendship' was my way of thanking him for saving my face and nothing more. This all seems to good to be true to me it's like I keep expect him to call the Whole thing off, but no every tuesday he is always there to take me out.

Football season is finally over.Here I was thinking that I would get more time with the boy, but no he has to play basketball. I seriously don't understand how someone could play sports all year.
"Channa, I swear if you keep smiling like that people are gonna think your gonna steal something."
"Anna I can't help that I'm happy."
We were sitting at lunch thing had started getting back to normal, and Anna and I were soaking it up.
"What has you all happy anyways." she demaned
"I can't tell you." I smilled
"Stop smiling like that, and what is so bad that you can't tell your best friend."
"It's not bad I just can't tell you right now, but I will soon I promise."
"Ok," she noded looking down at today's mystery surprise. She looked so hurt. I wanted to tell her I really did, but Anna can be a little flamboiant at times and I didn't want her to be excited over nothing. plus Anna is the rumor mill, and summer is still pissed about Ian. I love my best friend, but she holds secrets like a 99 year old woman holds her water.
Lunch ended and the rest of the day wen't by slowly it was friday so I wasen't going to be able to see Ian tonight because of the basketball game, but we are playing our rivals and Anna had been begging me all day to go with her. I think I finally agreed to go on Wednesday, but she was buying.
The final bell rang and I was on my way to met Anna so we could go get some food before the game when I was pulled into a closet.
"Really,Channa who else would it be?"
"Well I'm sorry if being pulled into a closet isn't something I'm used to." I scolded as I turned on a light  making sure it was really him, and it was definiately him. Coach Cole had a mandatory suits on game day rule and my did Ian clean up good , his hair was parted to left like always but the front was spike a bit showing off his eyes a little. He wore tailered black on black armoni suit with black loafers and dame did he look good.
"You know If you take a picture it will last longer." he said with a smirk on his face.
Taking that as an inviatation I pulled out my phone and took a picture of him.
"Give me that." he said reaching for my phone. I heald it up, but seeing  as he is a good foot and a half taller than me it didn't do much. He pulled me closer and snaped a quick picture of us.
"We look good together." he said handing me my phone back.
"We do don't we." I said looking at the picture.
" So You coming to the game tonight?"
"Na I heard that our team sucks." I said mockingly
"And just who did you hear that from?'"  he said pulling me closer to him.
" Oh some guy I'm dat-
I was cut off buy his lips crashing against mine. I loved kissing him I could do it all day long, it feels like time stops and nothing matters anymore not my dad, not summer absolutely nothing. We pulled apart a few minutes later and it felt like I was so dizzy I thought I was gonna faint. so I leaned up against him just letting him hold me I could have stayed like that all night if I hadn't realized that Anna was waiting for me.
"I gotta go." I moaned into his chest causeing him to giggle a bit as I pulled away from him.
"Me two Coach is gonna have my ass If I keep showing up late." he said walking towards the door.
"Well is somebody would stop making habits of pulling people into janitors closets he wouldn't be late now would he." I scolded. He pulled me towards him kissing me again not as long as last time but still as good.
"On second thought maybe you should pull me in here more often." I smiled up at him
"Bye silly." he said giving me one last peck on the lips before walking out.

I finaly went out to met Anna I saw here standing there with her arm crossed and red hair blowing behind her.She looked pissed,no she looked cold and pissed. The way her hair was blowing kind of reminded me of the way madusa would look.
"Where the hell have you been I have been waiting out here for thirty minutes!" She screamed at me.
"Sorry Anna I really am I lost track of time."
"You could have texted or something, but no you just left me here in the cold while you where off with whoever doing what ever, Yeah I said it I know your dating someone I don't know who, but I know you are. No girl smiles like that for no reason."
"Anna,I'm sorry I should have texted you and for that I'm buying dinner." I said completely ignoreing her last comment.She looked at me for a minute as if wondering wether she should press the situtaion anymore.
"Ok, but I want chinese and don't think your getting off from telling me who you are seeing. Your gonna have to tell me eventually." she said walking toward her car.
Dinner was good we ate chinesse as Anna demaned, then we took my car to my house Ian texted me half way through dinner and told me he wanted to hangout after the game so he would take me home. Of course Anna asked twenty question when I told her, but I talked ciricles around her till she gave up.
We pulled into the parking lot of the school and it was packed. We finaly found a parking spot and I was about to get out when Anna grabed my arm.
"Channa I have to tell you something, but you have to promise not to get mad I was gonna tell you earlier today, but you have been in such a good mood I didn't want to ruin it.
"I promise I'm not gonna get mad." I smilled at her.
" You know Jeremy Anthony and Avery's friend the one that told you he loved you took your verginity then said it was only physical broke up with you and moved away the day after, well he is gonna be here tonight he is a starter for the wildcats."
she said it so fast it took me a minute to register what she was saying, but when I did my entire mood changed.
I sat back in my seat and staired out the window I could never forget him. He was the first guy I ever loved. Then I felt anger course through my veins I quickly got out the car and started toward the gym slaming the door behind me.
"Channa, I swear I didn't know he was gonna be here when I asked you to come if I did I wouldn't have asked you to come." she pleaded. I looked my best friend in the eye and hugged her.
"Anna I'm not mad at you."
"Pinky promise." I said smiling at her.
"Well okay then lets go kick some wildcat ass!!!" she screamed
We walked in the gym arm in arm laughing cause Anna almost tripped walking in. It was loud the game hadn't even started yet, but everyone was already screaming. We spotted Anthony and Avery and started walking toward them. We got close to them and I noticed that they were talking to someone in a wildcat uniform, before I could turn to run Avery noticed me and flagged me over.
" Hey cuzo you remember Jeremy?" he asked as me and Anna sat donwn. Anthony and Avery didn't know about Jeremy. In fact the only two people who knew were my mom and Anna.
"Yeah I remember." I glared at him
"Little Channa, I definitely remember her." he said pulling his dreads into a pony tail. He looked as good as remembered skin like caramel,and a well defined body. I found myself staring at him a little.He still had that same stupid smirk that he always used when he wanted a girl. I use to melt when I saw it, but now I just want to punch his teeth out.  He looked at me for a little while then shook his head and turned toward my cousins.I felt Anna squeaze my hand. I didn't feel like talking so I just focused on the court. I saw Ian he look so good in that uniform. I don't know why, but everything he wears looks like it was tailer specifily to fit him,and the basketball uniform was no acception. It clong to him showing off his pecks and Abs.He noticed me staring at him and made a camera motion with his hands I laughed and smiled at him as he ran to the locker room.
"I guess I gotta head out so I'll see y'all later. Bye channa." Jeremy said lifting my chin up so I was looking him in the eye. He moved toward me like he was about to kiss me.I didn't have the will to move I was in a trance. He got about an inch from my face and stoped.
"Miss me?" he whispered in my ear before turning and running toward the locker room. I sat there just staring after him until I felt something hard hit my leg.
"Ouch! You asshole what was that for?" I scremed and turn to avery, he was glaring at me eyes red. I looked to Anthony he was talking to some cheerleaders and had obviosuly missed the little exchange between me and Jeremy.
"What the hell was that about?" Avery screamed at me causeing some people to turn and look at us.
"Can we not do this here?" I pleaded . Before he could say anything the game started and the players came out of the locker rooms causeing the fans to go crazy. He stared at me until a look of realization washed over his face as he looked from me to Jeremy. He quickly turned away from me with a disgusted look on his face. I put my hand on his shoulder, but he shook it off without so much as a glance my way. I felt the tears forming in my eyes and stood up to go to the bathroom. Anna stoped me and looked at me. I just shook my head. She understood and let me go.
I cried for what felt like for ever in that bathroom. Avery and I are super close we always have been. For him to look at me like that felt like someone had just hit me with a transford truck. After Jeremy left I felt worthless and trashy. I was digusted with myself to have let that happen. When Avery gave me that looked at me. All those feelings came back at once.

I finaly stopped crying and walked back to the stand. It was the final quater and the game was tied Anna was jumping up and down like a mad woman along with everyone else in the stands. I took my spot in between her and Avery. I looked at Avery he was either to into the game to notice that I was back or he just didn't care. I shook my head and turned to the court just in time to see  Ian make the wining shot.  
Anna and I where sitting in the gym lobby waiting for her brother to come out so he could give her some gas money so she could make it home . Her brother came out of the locker room along with the rest of the boys basket ball team. I automaticaly saw Ian sadly so did the rest of the rest of the school and he was serounded withinn seconds.
" I got the money." Anna said jogging over to me. Anna talked about the game all the way to the car. She unlocked her door and turned toward me finaly taking a breathe.
"So are you sure your gonna be okay?" she asked.
"Yes, for the forty seventh time I will be okay."
"okay, but if you need me just call okay."
"Okay now will you get out of here it's eleven o'clock and you have work tomorow."  I said hugging her. She gott in her car and drove off I walked to the gym doors and waited for Ian to text me and tell me where his cars keys were when I felt someone wrap thier arms arms around my waist and pull me into a kiss before I could see their face.
At first I thought it was Ian, but this didn't feel like Ian this was much rougher than Ian's kiss no this kiss felt wrong. Realizing who it was I opened my eyes and tried to pull away from him, but he was holding me to tight. Out of the cornor of my eye I could see a crowd had gathered at the door and Ian was front and center. stomped his foot causeing him to let me go. I looked at Ian and saw a hurt look on his face. So I turned and ran toward the parking lot, but not fast enough I felt somone grabe my arm and turn me around.
"Ouch,Jermey what the fuck let go of me." I demenaded. He let go of me and put his hands up defensively.
"Whats wrong Chan, I thought you missed me?"
"Miss you, why the hell would I miss you?'
"I thought we had something special." he smirked taking a step toward me.
"Wow, you're even more of a ass than I thought you were."
"Don't be like that Chan." he said puting his hand on my waist.
"Don't fucking touch me." I spat  moving out of his reach
"What is is Chan, Whats wroung."
"You broke my fucking heart you bastard. You took my verginity and then left.Literaly!" I screamed at him I saw that the same crowd from the door had moved to us and had grown. Avery had gotten there and I looked at him pleading for his help.
"Man get the fuck out of here."  Avery said moving towards with his fist clenched
"Avery, this has nothing to do you."
"To hell it dosen't." he said steping in front of me. They stared at each other for what felt like forever. until Jeremy walked away shaking his head.
I turned toward Ian and imideately turned away. For the second time tonight I felt like complete shit. I looked at Avery and didn't have to say anything. He picked me up and drove me home.

I was laying in my bed  with tears running down my face staring out my window at the moon. I can't believe this. I haden't even got Ian and I had already lost him. I was almost alseep when I  my phone went off. It was Anna I really didn't feel like talking to her about all this so I ignored it. I felt  my phone vibrate agian and went to turn it off, but I saw it was a text from Ian.
Are you alseep? - Ian
No- channa
I'm outside can I come up I want to talk-Ian
Yeah give me just a second- channa
I got out of bed and went down stairs I crept pass my momma's room and peaked in to make sure she was a sleep before I opened the door to see a very pissed off Ian standing there he didn't say anything to me he just came in I closed the door and led him to my room. Locking my bed room door so the twins wouldn't accidently walked in they had a habit of doing that from time to time.
I sat down on my bed next to Ian we just sat there neither one of us knowing what to say. Tweenty minutes had passed and still no one said anything. I put my hand on his shoulder and he turned toward me.
"Channa do you love him?" he asked in a monotone
"What No I did, but I don't now."
"Are you sure?"  
" Yes!"
"Yes, your sure?"
"Yes, Ian I'm sure you're the only person I want."
" Channa I want you to be my girlfriend." he asked pulling me close to him.
" I want to be your girlfriend Ian I you a lot."
"Well Channa I Love you to so please just say you'll be my girlfriend." I was speachless he had just told me he loved me. I mean yeah I felt the same way, but he had said it Ian just told me he loved me,and here I am just stareing at him with my mouth wide open trying to find words. So I did the only thing I could think of I kissed him.

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