Chapter 1

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Oliver's POV

"And Ollie,I know that I am not the love of your life,but you will always be the love of mine."

Out of nowhere,she starts collapsing, her vitals going down.

Her heart stopped.

No.This is not happening. I can't lose her, not again. The doctor is giving her CPR, but it's not helping. Come on Laurel, fight.

But she doesn't. The doctor stops and announces the time of death. So it is real - she's dead.

My head isn't processing anything, I have to get out of there. I enter the hallway having to hold on to something so I wouldn't fall. This is my fault. She died because of me.

And then I see him. Quentin appears from around the corner. I am not able to say it out loud. Or say anything for that matter. But somehow, he understands and the look in his eyes changes the minute he realizes. 

We lost her. And we're never gonna see her again.
After the whole fake black canary thing and the really hard funeral I head home. I am still thinking about her. Every word she said. Was I right telling the world about her? It felt like the right thing to do. She was a hero and she deserves to be remember as one.
It's done. Damien Darhk is officially gone. I avenged her. And I still feel like crap. I may have killed him,but it didn't bring her back.

Nothing will.

"Mr. mayor, what do you thing about the Green Arrow's fight with Damien Darhk?" One of the reporter says, waking me up from my thoughts.

"The Green Arrow isn't our enemy, Mr. Darhk was and I believe he did what he had to and saved us all." I try to speak confident,but they must have already noticed I am off. Some reporter Levi asks next. "And what are your thoughts about discovering that your ex-girlfriend was a vigilante known as The Black Canary for all this time?" 

If I was off before, now I am completely gone. I just lost the capability of speaking and I am really not able to answer this. I can't talk about her.

"I don't see the relevance of this question to Damien Darhk's plan to nuclear the whole world, Mr. Levi. Ladies and gentleman, I am very sorry but we don't have the time for any more questions,thank you for coming and I hope we'll see you at the Black Canary honoring." Thea walks in and saves the day.Sometimes I think she should be mayor,she is handling everything so great. I give them one last smile before they finally leave my office.

"Thanks for the save,I needed it." I look at her and see the pity in her eyes.She feels sorry for me. "No problem big brother,you know that I am always here for you." She smiles at me with her everything-is-gonna-be-okay-Ollie-look and then leaves the office as well. I am alone. That's mostly the time I start thinking about her,so I have to do something else. And the only think I am good at right now is beating up the bad guys. I head to the Arrow cave, can't believe I am calling it that, thinking about how everything has changed. Roy is gone, John joined the army, Thea is done being a vigilante and Laurel paid the ultimate price. It should've been me,not her.

I can hear Felicity's voice as I step out of the elevator."Wow, I was just about to call you. Are you psychic or something? Because that would be cool,not that you are not cool or I mean-." she starts to Felicity-babble.

"Felicity,what's going on?" I interrupt her.

"New bad guys in town trying to do god knows what with a lot of drugs and guns." She spills it out in a hurry."Where?" I ask while going to my suit."In the old pharmaceutical factory. Are you sure you want to go there all by yourself with no backup? I mean I could call Thea." 

"No. I'm not dragging her back to this.Besides I can handle it on my own." She looks at me, worry and disapproval all over her face. She doesn't understands. I can't let them get hurt or worse. Not again. Not ever.

"Overwatch, I need help with the locks." 

"Give me a sec." In a moment,the lock opens and I quietly enter. Some guy notices me, I shot him immediately and move on further inside the building. All the drugs, guns and six men are in the main room. They're loading the stuff to a truck. I slowly move forward, when I am close enough I shoot a package of drugs that one of them is holding. They all spot me and it begins. They try to shoot at me,but I dodge the bullets and shoot arrows back at them. One guy escorted by a bodyguard is escaping right when they start to shoot. He must be their leader or a buyer. I fight with the rest of the guys, only two more left. I instantly knock the first one down ,but the second guy is big and well trained. But I'm better. I surprise him from the back and start to choke him, ready to snap his neck.But then-

 *canary cry*

 I instantly cover my ears,but it's not helping. This is like a twenty times stronger than Laurel's. I can't move and I am slowly falling to the ground. I can see someone dressed in a black leather by my side. I look up and can't believe what I see. The suit,the voice device, the beautiful blonde hair and a black mask covering her eyes.

"Laurel?" I'm not able to say anything more. She looks right into my eyes.

"Laurel Lance is dead.I am the Black Canary." She smiles coldly before she hits me to my head and everything goes black.


Hey guys,so this is my first fanfic. I really hope you'll like it.

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