This is reality

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I wake up laying on the floor. I hear my phone vibrating and I wipe my face off feeling the dried tears on my face. I looked at my phone and Tara was calling me. I ignored it and just laid on the floor taking in all that just happened. My phone went off again. Groaning I answered the phone...


"What. What the hell do you want."

"Kian got in a car accident."

Everything went silent. I felt my body instantly feel regret. Before I know it I was running to the car and going down the driveway. I knew I shouldn't have let him go. But at the same time I want to be by myself. I just need to be with Kian.


I'm running into the hospital and I see Tara and Toriana. I run up to tori and I pick her up and hug her. She is the only thing that I need right now. Her and Kian.

I ran up to the front desk and the lady sat there acting like I wasn't upset or crying about anything.

"Um excuse me I need help."

"Can't you see that I'm doing something."

"Well can't you see that I'm looking for my husband? Now I suggest that you HELP ME!"

"Ma'am I'm gonna have to ask you to calm down or we will have to escort you out."

"I'm calm. Can you just give me the room number for Kian Lawley."

"He's down the hallway on the right. Number 104"

I started running down the hallway and a doctor stopped me before going in the room.

"Excuse me ma'am I'm gonna have to ask you to stay out here."

"No you don't understand, that's my husband."

"Oh your Brittany?"

"Yes now please let me go and see him."

"Sure go ahead. But I must warn you. He isn't doing very well. The crash made him go into a coma and he has very bad brain damage and he broke several of his ribs along with one of his legs. Your very lucky that he is alive. The slightest movement could have killed him."

Hearing that made me want to take all the pain from him and give it to myself. This is all my fault. If I would have never broke up with him, we would probably be sitting on the couch watching a movie with Toriana.

I walked in the room. He is laying there lifeless. His face pale and his body bruised. I feel the tears start to roll down my eyes. I sit down next to him. I grab his hand and I just remember when I was in his place except I was pregnant but I thought I lost her. I just remember shutting everyone and everything out. I was selfish and I hate myself for that.

I lay on Kian's arm and cry hysterically.

"I'm sorry Kian. I'm sorry, I'm sorry! I love you Kian. I take everything back. I miss you and I want you back. Pleases just give me another chance. I'm sorry Kian. I'm fighting for you now please, come back. I need you Kian. If you die I'm going with you. There is no way I can live with ought you. I mean there is no way that I can. You are my world. You are my everything. When everything was falling apart atleast I had you. You were always the first thing I thought about when I woke up, and the thought of being in your arms is what I fell asleep to. You were perfect in my eyes. The flaws you say you had weren't to me. You gave me feelings that I never felt before, like I was important. I finally mattered to someone again. But now that your not here none of that matters. Please...."

I hear the heart monitor and his heart rate keeps going up faster and faster.

It was all in slow motion. The doctor and nurses came running in. I sat there crying. They took him and I followed. But the shut the doors and the nurse had to hold me back. I cry calling out his name. I fall on the floor seeing black.

I woke up laying on a bed and a nurse standing over me with a clipboard.

"What's going on? Where's Kian? Where's Toriana?"

"Ma'am calm down. Your babies are more important right now."

"What? I only have one daughter."

"Oh I guess you didn't know. Well your pregnant with twins. We did an ultra sound to make sure everything was okay and the are fine. Turns out your about three weeks in."

"This cannot be happening."

"But this is a miracle. You should be happy!"

"How am I supposed to be happy when the father of my child us dead?"

She went silent. I almost felt nothing. To understand me I would have to put all of this in your perspctive.

Pretend that the one you loved the most died right in front of you. But then you find out that you have to take care of two newborns and a 6 year old. This is all going to fast and I just want to go back to before any of this started.

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