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As he said those words my heart dropped. I just cused kian out and now I feel really bad. I have given him crap all week and all it took was those four words to change my life forever.

"Well we found out that your baby isn't dead. You actually had stressed yourself out way to much and you pushed yourself to much and that put presser on the baby. Which caused the bleeding. So try not to stress her out too much Kian."
Kian laughed a bit and said "I'll try. Thanks doc."

I fell asleep for an hour and I woke up to kian sitting next to me. When I saw him he was laying on my arm holding my hand. He looked so peaceful when he was asleep. I would remember when we were younger and I would stay the night at his house and I would pretend to fall asleep just so he would. He would always stay up with me. So when he would sleep I would run my fingers through his hair or cuddle up to his chest and listen as our hearts would beat together. You would always here faint snores escaping his mouth.

I shook Kian hoping he would wake up. He slowly lifted up his head while rubbing his eyes like a baby when they just woke up.

"What's wrong? Are you okay?"
"Ya I'm fine but can you lay down with me?"
"I thought you would never ask." I smiled and he crawled up next to me as I nuseled up to his chest. I was just like when we were younger. Except we had our baby in between us.

A few days pass by and I was finally released from the hospital. Today would be 6 months for the baby. Jc is supposed to come over later today. Kian is at the youtube center so he won't be here. My only problem is, I don't want to be with Jc alone.

I heard a knock on the door and I opened it revealing Jc. I smiled and hugged him. I let him in and he made his way to the couch.

I sat next to him and he looked at me in a funny way. "Um is everything okay? "
"No its not. Listen Britt I have been meaning to tell you this but I have just been afraid because I know you and Kian are together and."
"No please don't tell me that you still love me. Promise me that you won't say that."
"Britt, I can't promise something that I can't keep..I love you Britt and I never stopped loving you. I know this isn't the best time right now but I need to know if you still love with me."
At this point I needed Kian more than I ever did. I love kian but I love Jc too. If I chose then I would hurt someone in the process.
"Jc I love you....but I love Kian more. I.....I think you should go now. I'm sorry Jc but I can't do this right now." I watched as he walked out the the door. He had this look of anger and dissapointment in his eyes.

I cried for what it felt like hours. I could stop the tears from coming out to my eyes. Until kian came home..I told him everything that happened and he just carried me to bed.

I am just so tired of everything. The only person I can deal with is kian. And I want it to stay that way for a while.
I just have happiness in my life. I want it to stay that way. And I couldn't have had it this way with ought Kian.

The next morning I woke up next to Kian. He was still asleep. I could hear his heart beat. I rolled over to him and laid my head on his chest. He groaned and rubbed his eyes. "Good morning. And good morning to you too." He said while rubbing my stomach. He talked in his husky morning voice. He sounded like a little boy. My boy.

"Well good morning to you too."
"God I can't wait any longer." He whispered into my ear, his lips brushing up against my neck. He pulled me up to him and crashed his lips onto mine sending a ripple of passion through my veins. I pulled away leaving him wanting more. I walked into the bathroom to get ready and I made sure to sway my hips to flaunt my butt.

I turned around to see Kian laying down with his mouth wide open and looking down at my butt.
"My eyes are up here." He laughed and I got ready for the day.

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