Blast to the Past

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I sit on the plane still thinking that I shouldn't be doing this. I haven't seen Kian for two years and now he is acting like nothing ever happened. I know that I still have feeling for him but what if he has moved on? The part that I'm most nervous for is Torianna. I'm so scared that she will reject me. She is three now and I just want to form that relationship with her, even though I wasn't there for part of her life which brings me back to Kian

Kian- Hey when do u land??

Me- Umm prolly in like 5 min....I hope.

Kian- okay so when u land im in a black SUV. Just go on in!

Me- Oh I was hoping that I would get to see u sooner :(

Kian- You will see me in the car. Then we have all the time in the world;)

Me- alright :)

Well, I'm confused. He would never act like this. If you know Kian, he is always awkward in these type of situations.

The plane landed and I did the same boring thing that I always do. Get my bags and then go outside to find the car. I see the car and get inside. Wrong car.


I wake up in a cold room with a faint light coming from the side. I realize that I'm laying on the concrete and I am in a small room. The window is on the left side of the wall and I can hear people talking through the ringing in my ears. I crawl to the window slowly so I dont make any sound.

I peek in the window and I see an man sitting in a iron chair. He has a black eye and a cut on his forehead. His clothes are all dirty and he has bruises on his arms and face. I noticed that he had brown eyes. The kind that used to be beautiful, but now they just look dark and bottomless. There was no hope left in his eyes. Just like mine.

A few hours pass by and I'm sitting on the floor picking at my nail polish when I saw a shadow in the window. I looked over at it and I saw the person. He was looking in the room to see if anyone was here. I poked my head out . He jumped up and put his hand on the windows. He smiled and said "Britt!"

I could hear him because there was no glass. I was so confused. Then it all hit me like a ton of bricks.

It's Kian.

I moved closer to the window and my eyes met his. His eyes were no longer full of joy. I wanted to change that. I held his face in my cold hands and I kissed him. He smiled into the kiss and he pulled away and said "You don't know how long I've been wanting to do that."


We have been talking for hours and I actually found out that when I went to sleep that night Kian had gotten a text saying that if he didn't take the baby and go to some building, they would kill me. So this entire time Kian has been here. Waiting for me. Apparently We have to answer some questions about each other, if we get it wrong then I guess something bad will happen. 

The people that did this to us are really dumb because because I still have my phone.

Someone opened the door. It was a man with a mask on. It was a black mask so I couldn't tell who it was. 

They took me into Kian's room. I ran up to him and gave him a hug. But I put my phone in his back pocket.

Kian's POV

I thought that I would never see her again. I thought that she was trying to grab my butt, but she put her phone in my pocket.  I dialed 911 when I sat down. The person said "sit down in that chair. LD will be back in a little bit."

He left. I herd someone say hello and I realized that it was the phone. I told them all that happened and they told me to stay on the phone but I didn't have to talk. As Britt and I sat in that room alone and waited for something to happen. Waiting for LD to come in. Britt doesn't know what he is capable of. I was beat because I forgot to say good morning to him. Everyone listens to him.

I could hear footsteps down the hallway. I looked at Britt. I saw fear in her eyes. Now she knew what could happen. 

Britts POV

The door opened and the one person I never thought I would see just walked through the door with Torianna. 


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