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If you don't remember who she is, Laura was my best friend. She was always there for me. At least I thought.

"Hello Brittany. I see you have finally fallen for Kian. Again. But I not really surprised. You always let people walk all over you and in the end you would hug them and say thank you."

"Why are we here. Why do you have my kid?"

Tori walked over to Kian and sat in his lap. He hugged her. I had just relized that she didn't know who I was. I can't explain what it feels like for your own daughter to not know you.

"Well, Brittany if you would pay attention to me instead of that girl I would tell you."

I felt the tears spill put of me. But its almost as if I couldn't feel them. I looked over at Tori one last time. She smiled and waved at me. She is 4 now. She looks just like Kian. I looked back over at Laura.

"As I was saying, you have always gotten what you wanted. Your mom spoiled you and gave you everything that you wanted. You had the biggest house. One that I always wanted. You had the best boyfriend I high school. Until he cheated on you. I actually felt sorry for you. Until you took my boyfriend. That's right, you stole Jc from me. I was in love with him. Then you took him away from me. So I took the one thing that you love away from you just like you did to me. How does it feel."

She was right. I took away everything that she loved. I had always gotten what I wanted even if I didn't deserve it.

"So this whole time you pretended to be my friend just to get me back."

"No. I didn't care about Jc after a while. Then when I found out that you cheated on him with Kian, Jc was always talking about how you would come back. JC!"

Jc came in the room with 2 guards holding his hands behind his back. Laura smiled and pointed at the chair where he could sit down. Jc saw me and he looked terrified. He knew not why he was here. I knew why.

"Well, well, well. How is everyone?"

"Nobody said anything.


We all jumped up and Jc yelled at her saying,

"Why am I here?"

"Well then lets just jump right in. Lets see, you always chose Britt over me. You broke up with me FOR BRITT! I was always there for you. Even when she broke your heart FOR HIM!"

It went silent. You could see the tears in her eyes.

"So tell me , how many people have had their ideas of loved messed up now because of you?"

Jc shrugged his shoulders.

"So you've lost count of all the people you have hurt. Does it even bother you you the tiniest bit that so many girls have sat on their bathroom floor crying their eyes out, because you told them that you loved them and then left? Does it even bother you that they don't think that they will ever find anyone ever again? Does it bother you that their ideas of love, and their expectations of happiness are so corrupted and that they will never open themselves again? Does that give you some kind of satisfaction? That their first love turned out turned out to be the one who hurt them the most?"

He sat there speechless and silent.

"How does that feel Jc? Does that make you feel a sense of sick twisted pride? That you were my first love and you destroyed me. For her."

The whole room went silent. Laura had tears streaming down her face. I looked at Jc. His head was hung low in defeat. Torianna was asleep in Kian's lap. He was looking at me. I could hear the cop cars in the distance.

Laura looked at her guards and nodded her head. They handed her a gun.

"Well Jc, I hope this makes you realize has much you've done to me. See you on the flip,side.


They took her body into the ambulance. Kian, torianna and I sat on the ground processing what all just happened.

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