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Tomorrow is my birthday and kian hasn't said one thing I've been mentioning small things about my birthday and saying how I want things but he let's it go through one ear and out the other. Today I'm going to mention it.

"Hey so I had a question."

"What?" He smiled and came up and kissed me.

"What are you doing tomorrow?"

"Oh um, I have to work and I have a bunch of meetings that day."

"Oh." He forgot. Oh well I guess it will just be Tori and I spending my birthday together.

"Hey by the way Tara is gonna take Tori tomorrow to her work for family day."

"Oh well then I will come too!"

"Oh no you can't it's only for little kids."

"Well then what an I suppose to do all day?"

"Um I don't know take the day for yourself." He came over and hugged me.

"Well I'm gonna go to be I'm really tired. Come with meeeee"

I started laughing at him and I pulled him up the stairs and shut the door behind us.

The next morning I saw all of my clothes on the floor and I woke up naked with Kian spooning me. U got up to go the bathroom and I fell.

Kian was laughing and helped me up.
"My legs fell numb and my inner thighs hurt like hell."

"Well at least you got good dick game."

He laughed at me and a couple hours later he left for work. I took a shower to clean off all the sweat on my body.

I ate and called some of my friends to invite them to lunch. None of them could come.

Kian's POV

I feel bad for lying to her but Atleast I am doing something nice for her. I called all of her friends and Tara to take Anna. I am getting everything set up for her party. I called all of my friends too.

I had decieded to through the party at my house my the beach. It had a huge backyard with a pool and a basement
and I can't wait to see her reaction. She is turning 28 almost time really goes I'm going to turn 29 in two months and I'm excited but yet at the same time I'm not ready for it.

I can feel my but vibrating as I'm hanging up balloons. It's Britt.



"Come home I'm bored."

"No I'm busy"

"With what? What is more important that your girlfriend?"

I zoned out. Girl friend. She was going to be my wife, before I messed up. I miss calling her my fiance.



"What are you doing."

"Nothing that you need to worry about."

"Tell me where you are right now!"

"All in good time baby love you."

I hung up as she was screaming into the phone.

It was time. Everyone had showed up except for Tara. She was going to get Britt.

We got in our hiding places and turned out the lights.

Britts POV

"And he had the nerve to hang up on me when I'm trying to talk to him!"

Tara sat there looking me like I'm crazy.

"What? That look is not cute."

She laughed at me. I suddenly remembered that she never told me where we were going. I asked her but she didn't answer me. I sat back in the chair and folded my arms.
I teared up because I realized something. Nobody has told me happy birthday. The only person who would make an effort was my mom. I miss her so much. Everyday I have to go with ought her calling me and I've missed Christmas at her house.

"Take me home."


"Take me home. Where probably going to be doing nothing anyways. You know today is my birthday and nobody has said one word to me about it. Mom would have said something to me."

"Oh stop. Your so annoying. I was trying to make an effort to take you out tonight and you want to sit there and act like a little brat. So NO! I'm not taking you home. Have fun walking till dawn."

She pulled the car over.

"Your being ridiculous."

"I'm serious. GET OUT"

"FINE! Just take me to where we are going."

She started to drive again with a mad look on her face. I felt bad. Everything she said was true. She knew it and I knew it.

We pulled up to a house it looked familiar bit it was too dark to tell.

She looked over at me and just stared.


"Are you going to get out or do I have to get the door for you?"

"Okay damn. You don't have to be so rude."

I walked in the house and it was pitch black. I couldn't see anything. I turned to go back outside when all the lights turned on and people jumped out an yelled "SUPRISE!!" I screamed because they scared the demons out of me.

Kian walked up to me laughing and said "happy birthday baby." I smiled and he kissed me. I looked around and saw all of my friends and Kian's friends. Mainly the guys for o2l except Sam brought his fiancé rosa. I ran up and hugged her because we actually are becoming really good friends. Sam looks over at Kian and smiles I looked at him and he said

"So as you all know Rosa and I are getting married and I have some news for Britt. Kian is our best man and Rosa has to ask you something."

"Will you be one of my bridesmaids?"

I yelled and said "YES!"

I hugged her and Sam. Then Kian played the music.

I said hi to everyone and then I saw drinks....

Kian's POV

I woke up the next morning laying in my bed next to Britt. We were both naked and I'm pretty sure that we had sex.i rolled over to her and then I realized that Britt's hair isn't purple. I'm next to Andrea Russett.


Hey I'm SO sorry that I haven't updated in like 2 weeks because I just got finished with a play that I was in and I had no time. Like I didn't shower for 4 days. I know I'm disgusting. But I promise I will be back to normal. Thanks for reading luvs 😘

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