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Britt's POV

As I woke up on the couch I forgot that I was at Kian's house. I sat up remembering that I had a really bad dream. I went to the bathroom and I had makeup under my eyes and dried tears all over my cheeks. That's when I remembered that it wasn't a dream.

Kian knocked on the door and I said "What do you want?" It came off more rude than I wanted it to be but I didn't really care at the moment. The person I loved the most just ripped my heart out. Kian opened the door and we looked at each other and I noticed how beautiful his eyes are. They have little green specks in the sea of dark brown. I just couldn't take it anymore. I wrapped my arms  around his neck and he was startled at first but then he hugged me back. I started to cry on his shoulder then he put his fingers under my chin and said  "Hey look at me, everything is gonna be okay..." I couldn't resist anymore.

I kissed him and he didn't kiss back at first and he said "Look Britt I really like you, but I don't want to be a rebound to Jc" I never wanted Kian to be a rebound. I honestly don't even know why I kissed Kian. I don't like him... I think. "Kian I never wanted you to be a rebound. I don't know how I feel about us right now but I know that I need you in my life right now." He gave me the most confusing look and that's when he kissed me. I pulled on his hair and he let out a moan so I could slide my tongue in his mouth. He pulled my leg up and I signaled that I needed to jump on him. I wrapped my legs around him. He brought me up the stairs not breaking the kiss. He laid me down on the bed and I wanted him so badly but I needed to stop myself before things got to out of hand. I mean my boyfriend just cheated on me and I wasn't ready to do this with him yet. I said "Kian stop." He backed off me and said "Did I do something wrong?" I smiled and said "No that's not it, I just want to take it slow. Last time I rushed into a relationship I got cheated on and I don't want that to happen with you. I care too much for you Kian. I don't want to lose you again." We looked at each other again. I pecked him on the lips and he said "I love you" I just smiled and I went to the bathroom.

As I came out of the bathroom I saw Kian shirtless and asleep on the bed. I took off my jeans and got into one of his big tees and I cuddled up next to him. He pulled me close to him. I fell asleep with his arm wrapped around my waist and our hands intertwined with each other.

Kian's POV

I woke up to Britt laying next to me. I tried not to wake her up but my phone went off and I needed to see who it was. Caller ID said Jc. Great just what I need. A got up off the bed and went into the hallway. I answered the call and Jc said "Where the fuck is Britt?"
"Well I would tell you if you weren't such a dipshit"
"What the hell Kian, just tell me if she is with you or not."
"Fine she is with me, why what do you need?"
"I need her to come home. NOW!" He yelled into the phone. At first I was in shock but I expected it from Jc. When he doesn't get what he wants he tends to throw a fit.
"Look she isn't coming home unless she want to. If you do anything to her I swear Jc I will end you."
"Wow pretty boy is finally acting like a human being."
"What the fuck is that supposed to mean?"
He hung up on me and that's when I went back into the room. I laid down next to Britt. She cuddled up to my chest and she said "Was that Jc?" I sighed and said "Ya he said he wants you to come home, but if you don't want to you can stay here." She wrapped her hands around my neck and looked at her in her blue eyes. They were so beautiful, it's like I was drowning in them. They had faintly small grey outline. You could only see it if you were really close. She kissed me and said "I don't want to see him Kian. Atleast not right now. How long can I stay here?" He kissed her back and said "Forever." She smiled and she got out of bed. I was looking at her and she took of my shirt and she was wearing a nude bra but with black lace. I was so lost looking at her just thinking of all the things that I wanted to do to her right now. She looked at me and said "Take a picture, it will last longer." She giggled and walked into the bathroom.

I followed her and she shut the door in my face. I said "Come on please let me in." She whined and said "No Kian, I don't want you to come in here." I said "Come on it's not like I haven't seen you before." I opened the door and she was standing there with a robe around her. She was sitting on the toilet and she was covering her legs with the robe. I held her hand and picked her up off the toilet. She backed away and I took the robe off her. I looked down at her legs and the had cuts all over them I looked at her arms and they had cuts on them too. Most of them were scars on both except for her right arm. They had a few fresh cuts on them. I said "Promise me you will never do this to yourself again." She stared at me right in the eye making sure I understood her. "I promise."


Well there you go the next chapter is finished!! I decided since I haven't posted in a while I would post a long story so I hope you guys enjoyed it! I will be posting soon. Let me know what you want to happen next. Also thinking about writing an new story soon.....😂


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