Baby breaks

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All I ever here is the baby crying. I'm so tired. The most sleep that I have gotten was last night because I made Kian get up and get the baby. He never helps out with anything. Now he is just always at work and I am just worried that something might be going on. He is never home. I plan to find out why tonight.

I watched Kian grab his keys and before he opened the door I said, "Kian where are you going?"
"Who wants to know?"
"Your serious right now?"
"What do you want Brittany?"
"You know what, I want to go out tonight. You get to watch the baby for hours on end and then wait for me to come home, if I even do. Might be tomorrow morning before I even come back. Because if you can pull that shit with me and expect to get away with it, HA! Your fucking wrong."
"Your acting like a bitch. Look I have shit to do."
"The only shit that you will be doing is cleaning up the baby's. Seems as if you don't really care about her anymore. I'm the only one that takes care of her!"
"That is a straight up lie and you know it. I had to take care of her last night and the night before that!"
"Ya because I made you! I need sleep to Kian. Look I'm going out tonight. I haven't had a drink in almost a year. And I find that quite depressing. Have fun watching the baby tonight. Don't wait up."
With that I walked outside leaving Kian at a los for words.

I didn't actually go to the bar. I have a safe place that I used to go to when I was younger when things we're going wrong. I found it after my dad died. I drove to the mountains that were right next to the beach. I walked up the hill that lead to the cliff that hung over the ocean. I sat down.

I could smell the salty waters and I could feel it running through my veins. My hair waved to the ocean breeze in sync with the waves. I felt the tears brimming at my eyes. I let them spill like a leaky faucet

I almost forgot about the rest of my problems. I cry not because I'm sad, I do it because people say it's good to cry sometimes. And I find that to be true. I felt as if I was there for 10 minutes but when I looked at the time it was already midnight. I guess I was so distracted by the moon reflecting on the ocean waves, that I lost track of time.

Kian had called me 34 times and sent me 56 text messages. I guess I forgot to turn my phone off silent. Oh well he can get over it.

By the time I had gotten home it was already 1am and I could see kian pacing back in fourth through the window. He stopped once he saw me. I walked into the house and shut the door rather loud.

"What the hell Britt! I have been wating here, calling, and texting you for the past like 5 hours! And why would you slam the door? The baby is asleep."
"Oh please the baby is fine. It was an accident. And the baby only wakes up if you move her, she's hungry, or if she needs her diaper changed. You should know that. Oh wait your never here so you wouldn't know. I guess I am wrong sometimes."
He walked away from me and ran up the stairs. I stand there waiting for something to happen.
Maybe he might come back
Maybe he might leave
Nothing is happening. I walk up into our room and peek into the door. Kian is sitting on the chair by the window. His face buried in his hands. I walk in and he turns around to look at me and I stand there and just stare at him waiting.
"Well? Are you waiting for something?"
"Where have you been going. I don't care if you were killing someone, I need to know now."
"Britt why does this matter?"
"Alright! Look I know that your gonna be mad at me but I have been going out to bars and strip clubs with my friends. Look, I'm tired of always being home and doing nothing. I need a break."
"Wait what?"
"Look Britt I love you,"
At this point I knew what he was going to say. I just blocked him out not caring anymore. All I needed to hear was that were over.
"Look you might as well say that we're over because saying that 'we're taking a break' is saying that were breaking up.
You don't care, you never did. You don't give a damn about me. You love yourself. You are so selfish you leave your child and fiancé to go out and please yourself because you need a break. I need a fucking break! I am the only one that takes care of Tori and you know that. Your just to selfish to do anything about it. You wanna take a break? FINE, I don't give a shit anymore."

I threw my ring at him and walked into Tori's room. I guess that's her nickname now.

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