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Britt's POV

I woke up on the couch and I didn't have a hang over cause I didn't drink much last night but I heard yelling up the stairs. I didn't think of it until I heard Kian's voice and a very familiar voice along with it. I walked upstairs and followed the sound of the yelling voices that got louder and louder the closer I got. I found the room and put my ear on the door and just listened.

"Oh come on Kian, you don't love her. You never did! It was just a one night stand and then she got pregnant so you had no choice but to stay with her!"

"Shut the hell up, you are jealous because you can't have me anymore. IM ENGAGED! MOVE ON! I love her can't you accept that?"

"That's not what you were saying when you was busting my shit wide open!"

"It was one night Andrea! I was DRUNK!"

It went silent for a second. I stood there knowing what happened. I was numb to this whole situation. I opened the door and I saw Andrea and Kian. He looked at me and he was about to say something but I held my and up at him. He knew that I didn't care about what he had to say. I looked over at Andrea who looked scared to see me.

I walked over to Kian. And smacked him in the face. "Get out." He looked at me with pleading eyes after I said that. I pointed at the door. "OUT!"

He walked out of the room. I looked over at Andrea who looked terrified of me. She knew that I wasn't afraid to hit her because I have before. Even thought I wanted to beat the shit out of both of them mainly Kian, I wasn't going to.

I sat down next to her on the floor.

"You know, it really sucks when the person you love the most keeps hurting your over and over again. Kian and I are never going to get any better with the way he is choosing to live right now. Honestly, I'm not blaming anyone right now except for him. And maybe you a little bit. But this is his fault. If he didn't drink, he wound have had sex with you. He didn't until you said something to him. Ha so much for being loyal."

"I'm so sorry Britt. I never ment for this to happen. I just feel so lost with ought him. Ever since we broke up."

"I can't blame you. I don't know the full story about what happened but he basically did the same thing as last night as far as I know. And I honestly don't care what happened. Look Andrea I know we aren't the best of friends and I honestly don't really want to but I want you to know that you can always talk to Kian."

She looked at me and hugged me. I was surprised at first but I hugged back. She let go and I stood up. "Oh and by the way you might wanna get on some clothes before you leave."

She looked down and realized that she only had on a bra and underwear. She got on her dress and shoes and then she left. I looked at myself in the mirror and just cried. I had lost all hope for Kian and I. I don't even love him anymore. I had enough of this fairy tale that turned into a nightmare. I knew that this story was never going to get better, it just took me a while to realize that.

After my pity party I dried my tears and walked downstairs. I saw Kian sitting on the couch. He turned around and ran up to me. He tried to give me a hug but I put my hands out to stop him. And he backed up. He said "Look Britt I'm so sorry this wasn't my fault,"

"Don't you even go there with me."


"Say that this wasn't your fault. BECAUSE IT WAS ! Kian you can't blame everything on other people. You didn't have to drink that much and if you were sober you wouldn't have had done it Kian."

"Okay your right, some of this is my fault but she shouldn't have taken advantage of me."

"We're done Kian."


"I said were done. I can't do this anymore. I have been so stressed out ever since we got back together. When I was by myself I had the best time of my entire life. When I came home i had been overwhelmed with everything. And you can't seem to remember my feelings Kian. Sometimes the girl who is always there for everyone else, needs someone to be there for her. You never were Kian. I think it best that we just not be together."

"No, stop, you can't do this! You can't just throw everything away. What about all the good times that we had together. I know that we've had a few bumps in the road but we got through it together. You can't tell me that you don't love me anymore."

I looked at him right in the eyes as he was holding my hands. I let go of his hands and said. "No."

"What do you mean no?"

"No. I don't love you anymore Kian. As a matter of fact, I don't think that I will ever care for you Kian."

"You can't tell me that if I died right now that you wouldn't care."

"No. I wouldn't. We're done Kian." I start to walk away from him.

"When did you know that it was over?" He said quietly.

"When someone stops trying, or worse, when the trying no longer works."

I keep walking as he starts to yell.

"But what if I never get over you? What if I continue to wake up every day of my fucking life and want you so badly that my bones shake so much that they feel like their going to break? What if I keep waiting for a call or a text or a sign from God never comes? What if you were the one, but I wasn't. You broke my heart but if you asked, I would run back to you in a second. I think about you, I dream about you, I talk about you, I smile about you, I cry about you, I love you, but I hate you at the same time. I need you.

There was silence in the house. You could hear a pen drop it was so quiet. I looked at him closer. I could see the sun reflecting off of his tears. Then I realized I was the one who was making those tears escape his dark brown eyes that no longer had that hope in them.

He looked at me and said " You swore you'd always be there, but when things got hard you were the first to leave. Fuck you for making me happy and then just turning around and leave."

He slammed the door and I stood there in shock of what just happened. I sat on the floor and brought my knees up to my chest. I buried my face so nobody could hear my cries for help.

I took that hope out of his eyes.

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