The Sweet Reality

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Britt's POV


My mother was in the garden sitting in the tree swing reading her favorite book like she normally did. My father was sitting in his favorite blue chair reclined half way back watching tv. I had just came home from my friends house because she couldn't be there for my 12th birthday so I just went to her house to get the present. When I had came home my father was doing his usual thing. I went upstairs to take a shower when I had gotten into my pjs I heard a loud scream down stairs. When I had gotten down there my mother was holding my dad in her arms crying and shaking uncontrollably. I stood there just watching my father lay dead in my mothers arm. Later when they took him to the hospital we had found out that he had died from a heart attack.

That was the worst day of my life. My mother didn't come outside for weeks. Our prize roses started to die and the grass was turning brown. The house became dirtier and the food was disappearing by the second. The only good thing I guess was that my father had given all of his money to me. Which is why I have such a big house

End of flashback////////

When we were unpacking our suit cases from the trip I got a call from my sister Tara.
"Hey what's up?"
"Britt, mom died."

The second I had heard that my heart stopped. My whole world had ended. I dropped to the floor and looked at nothing but darkness.

Kian's POV

I saw Britt falling and I rushed over to her I held her on the floor. Called her name but she said nothing. She was still breathing but she had just fainted. I picked her up bridal style and laid her down on the bed and I answered the phone call..
"Hey Tara."
"Kian? What? Why are you with Britt?"
"Long story. To shorten it basically Britt and I are back together . So what happened, why did she faint?"
"Oh. Um Kian you know Gracie our mom, well she died."
"Wait what? How?"
" Well she went into cardiac arrest. We haven't found out why but quite frankly I don't really wanna know. She is gone and there isn't anything we can do to stop that. No matter how hard this is going to be on everyone, especially Britt. Kian I gotta go. I'll see you at the funeral"

She hung up the phone and I heard quiet sobs coming from Britt. I went over to her and she had tears streaming down her cheeks. "Baby I'm so sorry that this had to happen..........everything will be okay." She sat up and looked at me with her eye brows knit together.

"What did you just say to me?"
"I was just saying how everything is go.."
"NO It's NOT. My mother just died and you're telling me to calm DOWN? HA wow........I need a break."
"Wait what?"
And with that she left my sight.

Britt's POV

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