Dream is a killer

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I'm staniding outside waiting to go down the isle. I see Kian. I see Tori. I am told to start walking. I hear the music and I cry. Kian is standing there waiting for me. He starts to smile as we lock eyes. I walk up to him with a person that I am locked arms with. I look over at him and he looks at me and smiles. I smile back not knowing what to do. He lets go of my arm and hugs me. i walk up to Kian. a tear rolls down my cheek and he wipes it away with his thumb. I giggle and the pastor starts to talk. We hold hands and put the rings  on each other. It was time for vows. I decided that I would go first.

"Wow, never thought that I would say this but I'm getting married to Kian Lawley. FINALLY! I am so happy that now that everything has passed  we can finally do what we have dreamed of since we were teenagers. Trust me, there have been a few bumps in the road. Anyone with eyes could see that. But the bond was so strong that we made it through it. As my mom always said, Darkness cannot drive out darkness , only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate, only love can do that. Kian was that light and love in my life that pushed the darkness and hate  out of my life, for good."

Kian started to tear up but you could see that he was trying to hold I back.

"Well I'm not sure that I can top that but here goes nothing. Brittany I love you so much, but damn you are stuborn.I can't remember one time that you actually wanted to listen to me. FYI every time I was right. But one thing I have to say before people start to get mad at me for our long speeches, wake up.

I wake up on my couch. I walk into the kitchen and Jc is sitting on the island . He is looking out the window and he says. "So where to now."

"I'm sorry Jc"

"Save it. Your better off with him anyways."

"I still love you Jc."

"Ya I know."


Sorry for the hort chapter guys but I'm rlly busy with school and play practice but i will try to update again soon!!

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