12 - The Date Part 3 - Dinner

Start from the beginning

They soon reached Hanna's house and were greeted by the sight of Ashley Marin. The second they saw it was Ashley who opened the door and not Hanna, they both let go of the other's hands in the speed of lightning.

"Hi, girls, come in, Hanna's upstairs," Mrs. Marin allowed them inside the house warmly.

"Thanks, Mrs. Marin," Emily answered kindly and both girls climbed up the stairs. They entered Hanna's room and saw her looking at herself in the mirror.

"Wow, Han, you really go all out for dates," Emily joked when she saw her friend.

Hanna was wearing a knee-high red dress, her blonde hair resting in soft waves on her shoulders. Hanna usually wasn't confident about her body, she was the opposite, in fact, which was why Alison and Emily were surprised to see her like that. But it was clear that these past few days had struck a chord in Hanna's heart - perhaps because Alison was treating her kindly and had stopped making comments about her weight, or the fact that she was dating a guy who liked her for exactly who she was, or maybe because she had started working out with Spencer - either way, she was feeling better than ever about herself.

"Yeah, I know. I was going to wear something else, but then I just thought, 'screw it' and went with this. This is my mom's. Is it okay?" Hanna asked hesitantly, and the way she eyed Alison made the queen bee realize that her friend was looking for her approval.

"You look incredible, Han, and I'm proud of you," Alison said honestly, causing the two other girls to beam.

They heard the doorbell ring and Hanna practically flew downstairs. Alison and Emily giggled as they followed their friend and saw Hanna smothering Caleb with kisses, which he happily returned, getting them to roll their eyes playfully at the sight.

The group left the house, and after Hanna said her goodbye to her mother, the four of them climbed into Caleb's car. They all drove to a restaurant in the center of town and met their friends at their reserved table. Everyone was wearing fancy clothes and looked striking for their dates. It didn't take them long to sit down and order, and while they waited, they decided to start planning their trip to Paris.

"Okay, throwing ideas. What do you guys want to do in Paris?" Spencer asked the people around the table.

Alison smirked as she answered, "Emily and I sort of planned a trip a to France a few months ago."

Spencer looked at Alison expectantly, "Well, what did you guys plan?"

"We planned on starting at the South of France, dancing through sunflower fields, lounging around in our bikinis in the French Riviera," Alison ignored everyone else at the table and talked solely to Emily. "You'd look so good on top of the Eiffel tower. Wind in your hair-"

"Ehem, ehem. Earth to Ali and Em," Spencer interrupted but when the two didn't turn around to face her, too lost in their own little world, she fake-coughed even harder.

They finally turned to her and Alison smirked. "What's the matter, Spence?" she asked false-innocently.

Spencer only rolled her eyes in response. Their food arrived and they all started eating, talking amongst themselves in good-nature.

"Emily?" a familiar voice called. Emily instantly froze as she recognized the voice and turned around.

"Hi, mom, what are you doing here?" Emily asked nervously and hesitantly looked over to Alison who's eyes were wide open.

"I thought I would celebrate since-" Mrs. Fields looked at the people around the table, "oh, hello," she said when she noticed the guys that she'd never seen before. It was only when Wayne Fields suddenly appeared from behind a crowd of people, that Emily began understanding the situation a little better.

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