My eyes widened as I saw Vince, knuckle-punching Ethan and grabbing a beer from the cooler. My body tingled as he made his way over to the circle and sat down.

"What you guys playing now?" He asked, gulping down beer. I looked into his dark eyes, they were intriguing.

"Seven minutes in heaven," I laughed, offering him a cigarette. He smiled at me, flashing his white teeth, and took it from my hand. He set the beer down beside him and cupped his hand around the end of the cigarette.

"Light it?" He asked, continuing to look at the cigarette. I immediately jumped, grabbed the lighter and brought it to his big hands. I pulled the trigger back and lit the end of it, watching him take the cig and shake it, before inhaling slowly.

I gulped, mesmerized my his gorgeous face. I felt myself becoming weak, something stirring up in my stomach.

"How you doing, Vince?" Nick asked, turning Vince's attention away from me.

"Eh the usual. How bout you?" He asked, exhaling the smoke as he spoke.

"Same old same old," he laughed. Suddenly, Amanda's timer went off.

"Alright love birds, come on out." She said, walking towards the closet and opening the door. Olivia pulled her shirt back on, and Mark zipped up his pants. I laughed and shook my head.

"Mark!" I yelled, laughing hard with Layla. I wondered how far they had gone, but then again, I didn't really care.

Olivia and Mark rejoined the circle and Amanda handed me the bottle. My eyes widened. "Are you serious," I grumbled, placing the bottle in the center of the circle.

Everyone laughed and gathered in closer. My heart began to beat rapidly as I placed my hand on the bottle. I gave it a twist, and watched as the end of it twirled around the circle. I almost choked when it landed on Vince.

"OHHHH!" Everyone screamed, laughing and pushing me into Vince. I watched Vince as he smiled, his cheeks the slightest bit red. He took another sip of beer and stood up, pushing me into the closet as more screaming and laughing filled my ears. Everything was going way too fast.

When the door closed, there was total blackness. I waited for him to speak, but he didn't. Then, the lights went on.

"Time starts now, you faggots!" Amanda yelled from outside. I looked into Vince's beautiful eyes. Just by looking at him, I was hard.

"So, what do you normally do in here with another guy?" Vince asked me. I looked at him in shock.

"Depends on his sexuality," I said, smirking.

"What about yours?" He asked, the room becoming even more silent.

"What about mine...?" I asked, not sure whether to tell him or not.

"I thought you were straight," he said, looking me in the eyes.

My heart was beating so fast, I wasn't sure what to do. "Maybe I am," I said and .stumbled closer to him, our noses almost touching. My breath was shaky and nervous.

"Well I am. 100%," he said, his voice coming out unsteady. For a moment, he seemed powerless. He seemed scared, nervous. I wasn't sure what to do, but I was positive I would never have another chance to be alone with him like this. After these 2 years, this moment meant a lot.

I stopped listening to my brain and placed my hand on the side of his torso. He was extremely fit, and it felt so right. I pulled him a bit closer, noticing the fear in his eyes. "Are you sure?" I asked him seductively, moving my hand downwards and placing my other on the opposite side.

I watched him gulp, and I hated all this thinking that was going on. If Vince was actually straight, any second now he would fling me off of him and call me a faggot. I needed to make a move.

And just as I was thinking that, his lips were on mine. He pushed me back aggressively, shoving me into clothes and hangers, my back hurting as his lips forcefully hit mine. Our tongues entered each other's mouths, picking up a rhythmic pace as his hands shuffled around my body.

Moans were released as we continued to kiss the shit out of each other. My left hand was wrapped around his neck, the other sliding under his shirt. I couldn't even process what was happening. Vince, the hot, popular, "straight" guy, was fucking kissing me in a closet. And it felt perfect.

"How's it going in there, fags?" Nick called from outside the door.

"Yeah, you guys ready to, 'come out of the closet'?" Olivia laughed. Suddenly, Vince jumped off of me, pushing me into the clothes and wiping his lips off. He fixed his shirt.

"You are a fag!" Vince demanded in a silent tone. I stood up, fixing my shirt.

"You seemed to enjoy it too," I said, smiling.

"Fuck off, I'm straight." He spat, making a face at me. It kind of hurt that he wasn't admitting it, because I definitely did not believe that bullshit after what had just happened.

"So then why did you make out with me? We were just talking and then you kissed me. Is that not gay to you?" I asked, looking into his eyes again.

"I told you, I'm not gay." Vince said, the unsteadiness of his voice kicking in. His worried expression actually made me feel bad for him.

"Okay, okay. You might not be," I said.

"You better not tell a fucking soul about what happened in here. We just talked, got that? I'm not a faggot." Vince argued, making it clear.

"Whatever, man," I said, fixing my hair.

"Time's up, ya twinks," Layla said, opening the closet doors to find two unhappy guys. Or at least that's the emotion I displayed. Because inside, I was pretty damn turned on.

"What happened in there?" Amanda asked.

"Nothing, we just talked. What did you expect?" Vince asked, harshly.

"Well with Collin..." She said, everyone laughing including me.

"You guys all knew he was a faggot except for me?" Vince asked, looking around in confusion. Everyone nodded and laughed. I continued to watch Vince, his face red and nervous. He grabbed a cigarette from Ethan and walked towards the door. And then he was gone.

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