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Chapter 31- Plans

"Was that really necessary?" Hayden asked me and I gave him a sheepish smile.

"Maybe..." I trailed off.

"How would you EVEN blow up a cake?!" James asked his face full of pure disbelief.

"Easy, blow it up by accident." I say rubbing my arm. I grin and James scoffed narrowing his eyes at me.

"We might as well start cleaning up now." Hayden says, throwing us each a towel. I get hit in the face making James laugh and Hayden to chuckle.

"Shut up!" I exclaim blushing a little.

So we get on our knees and start cleaning. Avery comes in and slips while screaming and Alice comes rushing but doesn't slip.

"What happened to our cake!?" Avery exclaims and I put my head down. We've been working on that together all morning.

"It blew up." Hayden said and Alice looked like she wanted to cry.

"We can make another one!" I exclaimed and her face broke into a huge smile.

"Okay!" Avery and Alice yelled at the same time.

"Bye guys!" I yelled exiting the house. After spending all morning with Alice, Avery, James and Hayden I was tired. Extremely tired so going for a little fresh air seemed good. We made the second cake and I was under Hayden's watchful eye the whole time so the cake wouldn't blow up.

Then I got a text from Cole asking me if I wanted to come over. So of course, that's where I'm heading to now.

I opened the door to Cole's house. I know it seems rude but I'm almost always here now so it's like my second home.

"CC!" I yelled and I heard Cole groan in the distance.

"Don't call me that!" He yelled back sounding closer. I looked around quickly and I couldn't find Cole.

"CC where are you!" I yelled.

"Coming kitten!" He yelled and I laughed. He didn't complain or whine about me calling him CC!

"What's so funny?" Emma asked me.

"Your brother is." She nodded her head while giggling. She motioned her hand for me to get close and I bent down. She the came close to me.

"What are you getting for his burthday?" She whispered in my ear. When's his birthday?!?

"I don't know yet, you?" I asked her.

"I made him a card so tomorrow I'll give it to him with a hello kitty sticker." She continued to whisper. So Cole's birthday is tomorrow huh? That should give me enough time to buy him something. Hmmm but what?

I'll think of something. Maybe a massage because I know he's tense due to soccer an getting hit a lot. I could treat him to dinner and make him a card like Emma.

"What are you guys being so secretive about?" Cole asked from the door way.

"Nothing CC!" I exclaimed smiling at him. He narrowed his eyes at me but grinned anyway and pulled me to him.

"Emma can you go look for Brit upstairs and tell her to cook?" He asked Emma. She nodded her head and ran up the stairs.

"Ellie?" Cole asked me in my ear.

"Yeah?" He turned me around so I could face him. He stared into my eyes and smiled. I smiled back and he pecked my lips lightly.

"Cole, I broke up with Jace last night." I told him.

"Really?" I nodded my head and he grinned.

"I just remembered I have something to do. Sorry, see you tomorrow?" I asked.

"Oh okay. Sounds great." He said and I grinned kissing his cheek quickly and hurrying to the mall.

So Cole's birthday is July 7th.

I grinned and entered the mall. Hmm I guess I can buy him a band tee and make reservations for a massage and dinner. Yup sounds great.

I enter the arts and craft store after making the reservations.

"Okay so, CC likes blue, and silver so I guess that's going to be the general colors of the card." I said to myself.

"Need any help?" I turned an smiled when I saw Kevin.

"Sure that'd be nice." I answered and he helped me.

We said out good byes and I walked home thinking about the birthday card designs.

~ Next day~

I wait outside of the mall. I hope he likes his gift. I decided on wearing booty shorts and a simple peach tank top. It's so hot today so my hair is up in a ponytail.

I feel someone wrap there arms on my waist and I grin.

"Bout time CC. I thought you weren't going to show up baby cakes." I say and I feel lips on my ear.

"Who's CC?" The person asks and I feel my heart stop. My smile fades and my eyes go wide.

"Jace, what are you doing here?"

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