"Mommy is so sorry honey, mommy just got really scared for a moment."

That night I kept all the lights low and didn't leave the house again until Jae returned.  When he did return, he told me that his parents would be coming the day after him. I was so nervous.

I looked down at baby Aden, I dressed him in a pair of acid wash jeans over a white onesie top and construction boot crib shoes. Jae and I was dressed in a similar style except I wore a white long sleeve crop top and heeled construction boots and Jae wore a fitted long sleeve and regular construction boots. The baby and I were leaving the house for the first time since I gave birth two weeks ago. We were going to pick up Jaes' parents from the airport. I was nervous. This was the first time I was meeting them since the night of the accident a couple of months prior. Jae drove the car as I sat in the back with Aden.

"He looks like you." I said softly

"I told you, I was going to make him look suspicious." He said with a slight chuckle

I shook my head "That you did."

Adens eyes were getting droopy and I knew he'd fall asleep soon.

"This kid is going to have to learn quite a few languages. Korean, Yoruba, English maybe French, that's a lot." I said thinking out loud.

"Why French?" Jae asked and I didn't look at him

"What? Oh, because we don't know what the outcome of this year will be." I said with a yawn. When Aden slept, I slept.

"Yemi-" Jae started but I cut him off

"No, Uh-uh, not right now. I can't right now. Let me sleep until we reach the airport." I said shutting my eyes as I leaned further into my seat. I heard him huff and then let myself get pulled further into sleep.

When I woke I could tell we were still driving even with my eyes closed. What confused me were the extra voices in the car. I opened my eyes. I saw that there was someone in the front passenger seat I turned my head and saw Jaes' mother sitting on the other side of Adens car seat and cooing at him softly. I sat up quickly.

"Oh your majesty." I said giving them both a low bow. "I had no idea we had even reached the airport I fell asleep the same time as Junghwan-"

His mother shushed "Oh hush child. Of course I would let you sleep. You must have your hand full with the baby. Jaejeong has told us you only allow minimal help from your housekeepers. You should rest."

"She's right. If you don't you'll end up like her and fall asleep in the middle of important events." The king Jaegun said

"Ah, I still bad. I could have at least woke to greet you properly." I said my voice becoming softer the more nervous I grew.

"It's fine. I would have been upset if you did all that." Queen Moo-Yeon said "I looked in the car seat Aden sitting calmly, fascinated with the trinkets she waved around his face. I sat back in my seat and watched as Moo-Yeon interacted with her grandson.

"Jaejeong also told us that you have no desire to be queen of anything." She said her voice still kind and polite.

I bit my lip, suddenly feeling that the whole good first impression thing wasn't going to work out. "Yes, I told him we can try to make it work for a year. If it doesn't then we'll separate." I said confirming what she was told

"And what of Junghwan?"

"For now he'd stay with me and spend all vacations with his father or his father and I together. Then when he's older and has a full understanding of what being a crown prince entails he can make the decision to live at the palace full time or not and the roles between Jaejeong and I would be switched." I explained.

"You really thought this through huh? It's almost like you don't want it to work." Jae chided

I scoffed "Did I say that? I said I'd do my best to try this for you, for us, and the family we both want. I could have decided I didn't want to even attempt anything at all." I glared at the back of his head.

"Stop your bickering. If you plan on trying to make it work then all the negativity of the past. Words you both might've said to one another that hurt each other should be kept in the past and let go. If it doesn't work then break it off and that is that. Junghwan can't mend a broken relationship you'd both just do your best to co-parent if such a time comes." She said politely

I gulped, "Yes ma'am" I said softly

"Rest your eyes child." She added

and I instantly shut my eyes and leaned back in my seat.

and I instantly shut my eyes and leaned back in my seat

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