Chapter 21

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"So what do are we going to order for dinner?" I asked as I walked into the kitchen

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"So what do are we going to order for dinner?" I asked as I walked into the kitchen.
"well I had something different in mind" my uncle said, "i thought how about we make our dinner tonight"
"sounds like fun" I smiled at my uncle, "where did you get the apron?" I said laughing.
"i found it in the clostet. OK so what do you feel like eating?"
"pasta!" I said
"ok lets get started" he said and tossed me an apron.
We were in the middle of poring the tomatoa sauce into the pasta when all of a sudden the doorbell rang, "I'll get it" I said wiping my hands with a napkin.
"wait Danny you got some tomato sauce on your nose" my uncle said. I touched my nose and sure enough there was sauce on it. I cleaned it off and I opened the door. Before me stood hayes. My smile disapeared. We both stood there not saying a word. "Who is it?" My uncle said from the kitchen. "No one" I responded looking right into hayes' eyes and started to close the door. He stopped it with his hand, "wait Danielle. Please can we talk?"
"About what?  There is literally nothing to talk about" As Hayes opened his mouth to say something but my uncle came and stood beside me, "well hello Hayes nice to see you" Hayes smiled shyly,"nice to see you too Robert" they shook hands, "so what brings you here?"
"Oh I was just wondering if I could talk to Danielle for a sec"
"Sure" my uncle said smiling.
"I can't. I'm busy helping my uncle make dinner" I said glancing at my uncle
"Oh danny we are almost done. I got it. Go with hayes" I gave my uncle a serious look. I sighed, fine" I said and stepping out the door. My uncle gentle closed it behind me and went back into the kitchem.
"What do you want"I said to Hayes. He took out his left hand from behind his back and healed out a giant sunflower and gave it to me. It was the most Beautiful sunflower I've ever seen. They were my favorite, but "wait how did you kn-"
"I'm so sorry danielle. I've been thinking alot lately and realized how you were right, about a lot of things. See I haven't been around normal people in a long long time. I don't know how to act like normal girls like you" This is his idea of an apology?
"Bye Hayes, thanks for the flower " I said and turned around to go back inside. I felt him grab my wrist, "no, I won't leave until you forgive me and know how much I care about you"
"care about me?" I questioned, "you only care about yourself hayes"
"no Danielle your are the one person I care the most about"
"well right now it doesn't feel that way" I said and turned around.
"it has to feel that way" he said frustrated "your my best friend Danielle I love you." I stopped and turned around,"What?" Hayes looked as shock as I was.
"No I didn't mean it that way," he said, "What I mean was that your kind, honest and funny. And your not afraid to speak your mind and I love that about you. please forgive me." I looked down at my feet, "no" I said. "I should be the one apologizing to you. I shouldn't have said what I said. It was wrong"
"so is that a yes" Hayes questioned.
"only if you accept mine" I smiled.
"of course I do" Hayes said, "so we good?" he said
"we good" I nodded and smiled. I took out my hand to shake his hand at the same time he opened his arms for a hug. "uh" we both said. "how bout this" Hayes said and we settled in for a high five causing me to slightly laugh.
"so I guess I should go back inside"
"yeah" he said scratting the back of his neck. I tried to open the door but it wouldn't open. Uncle Robert must have accidently locked it when he closed it. I sighed and knock. My uncle opened it, "Hayes would you like to join us for dinner?"
Hayes looked at me and then at my uncle, "oh I don't want to bother you guys"
"not at all" my uncle said, "come in" Hayes looked at me as if to ask permsion. I smiled at him, "yeah hayes, come on have dinner with us"gesturing him to come in. He smiled back, "id love to" We all walked into the kitchen. While my uncle sat Hayes at the table I went into the cabinets and got out a small thin glass vase for the single sunflower. As I put water in the vase I smiled to my self and I looked down and the beautiful flower. No boy has ever given me a flower before. Well that's kind of a lie. A boy had given me a flower before once. I don't remember if it was in 1st or 2nd grade, I'm pretty sure it was 1st grade. Jared and I were walking home from school on an October. We passed by a house with a giant garden full of daisys. I remember that I stopped to admire them and then walked away. Jared stayed behind and yanked a bundle of daisys and ran to catch up to me. He gave then to me and said, "here. so you can see them everyday without wishing you had them" I don't know if that counts since we were like 6 or 7. I looked down at the sunflower Hayes gave me, I felt my heart warm up. I put it in the vase and took it up to my room. "aren't you going to join us Danny?" my uncle asked
"yeah, let me just take this up stair. Ill be right down"
The rest of the night was amazing. We sat at the table and talked and laughed about so many things. There was never a moment of awkward silence or even an awkward moment at all. For the fist time in a long time I felt at home.

Hey guys! Ive been reading back at my own story and I have to say, I'm so sorry for all the spelling and grammar errors and even some cringe worthy moments! I'm so sorry if some of the past chapters have made you cringe a little, they made me cringe when I read them! I hate myself for that so I'm so so so sorry! Why didn't you guys tell me! anyways, I promise I will work on that. This chapter, I have to admit, is a bit cringy but it gets so much better I promise!
Thank you for taking some of your valuable time to read my story! It means so so much to me!!!

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 19, 2016 ⏰

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