Chapter 7

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**Danielles POV**.
"so what do you like to do for fun?" Hayes asked. He was sitting right across from me. "well I play volleyball. I live in San diego so my friends and I got to the beach sometimes and play there and sometimes we surf" I said looking down at my sundae. "no way you know how to surf" Hayes sounded amused. "Yeah a little. I'm not very good but I can still catch a wave" I said. "Cool" Hayes said.
"wait how old are you?" he asked. "Im 16. Im about to start my junior year of high school" I said still looking at my sundae.
"Same", said Hayes, "but I'm home schooled". This time I looked up at him, "really" I asked., "wow whats that like?"
"well its actually pretty nice. I get to wake up late and due dates on stuff are pretty flexable. No annoying teachers so its all good" He said., "whats your school like?"
"just like any other high school except on the beach" I said. His eyes widen, "no way your school is one the beach? like its part of the campus or just near it?"
I laughed a little, "like right on the beach, its part of the campus. I like to look out the window and look at the beach from my science classroom." I said taking the last spoonful of my sundae.
"That sick" He said. "sometimes I miss school" I gave him a weird look. "like sitting in a classroom with my friends, walking down the hallway and highfiveing someone that I know. Giving the substitute a hard time and the football games. I used to be football player you know" he said winking. I rolled my eyes. He was one of those kids, I guess it makes sense now. He was just like Jared.
Jared is the popular boy at my school. He was a tall dirty blonde football player with blue eyes, rich parents and a six pack that all the girl drooled over and Jared knew it. He knew he was attractive and took it to his advantage, he walked around campus like he owned the place and was a jerk to everyone but no one seemed to care because he was 'hot' not even the teachers. Whenever he did something mean people would just laugh, since when does it mean because your attractive you have to be an ass?
"well I better start cleaning" I said looking at the clock. "crap. Its 4 your mom will be here in an hour!" I started to panic. "Don't worry I'll help you" hayes said getting up. "we got this"
"where do we even start" I said looking around. "Ok I will put all the dishes in the dish washer while you put all the ingredients back in the fridge and then we scrub the floor and walls with the mop and some towles." Hayes said. I nodded and got to work.
"I'm done!" Sky said running down stairs  with her hair wet while I was scrubbing the walls and Hayes was mopping the floor. "ok Sky. We are almost done here" I said. "play with Zan while we finish" Hayes said. "okay" Sky said and went to living room with Zan.
Hayes looked at me and laughed a little. "whats so funny?" I asked. "nothing just that you look like a 5 year old yourself with thoses overalls  covered in food and your hair looking like a birds nest" he laughed. "don't make me start" I said. "You look like a baby with all that chocolate on your face and sprinkles in your hair" I said pointing at him and accidently spraying him with the windex cleaner. Hayes touched his face and looked at his hand, "don't start" he said smiling.
"ok Sky, I'm done" I said walking out of the kitchen. I walked into the living room and saw Sky curled up in a little ball on the couch with Zan while watching 'Jessie' on Disney Channel. I sat down next to her, "I'm tired" Sky said. "i thought your energy would never run out" I said laughing. "Do me the same braid you did earlier" She said quietly making me room on the couch and sitting on my lap. I took the towel and dried her hair. Once it was done I started braiding. Hayes walking in looking at his phone and sitting on the arm chair. "how did you get so good at braiding" he said. "well I have a little sister and I braid her hair" I said not looking up from my work, "plus I kind of had a braid obsession when I was in middle school." I admitted.
I finished the French braid but Skylynn stayed on my lap making herself comfortable. Suddenly I hear some keys and the front door opened. "Hello, I'm home" Mrs. Floyod said. "mommy!" Sky said running up to hug her mom. "hi honey, did you have fun today? Oh what a nice braid, did Danny do that for you?" Sky nodded. "Thank you so much for taking care of her" She said and I stood up. "here" she said reaching for her wallet and giving me a $50 bill. "thank you" I said taking the money, "i had fun with Sky" I said smiling down at Sky. "i will let you know when I will need you again. I might be tomorrow" She said. "no problem. You just let me know" I said. "goodbye Sky" Then she held on to my waist, "no don't leave Danny. Please stay" she said. I squatted down to her height and higged her, "sorry Sky but I have to go. I will see you soon though okay?" I looked at her, "okay" she said. I smiled, "okay be a good girl okay" I got up, "see you soon Mrs. Floyd" I waved. "bye Danielle" shr said picking up Sky. I closed the door behind me realizing I didnt say goodbye to Hayes.

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