Chapter 9

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Danielle's POV
The next morning I got up and changed (to what Selena gomez is wearing in the picture), put on my brown riding boots and a little bit of mascara and headed out to the stables. My uncle had left at 7am but he said I could meet him there at 10am since he knows I'm not a morning person. My uncles had two trucks so I drove the one he left behind to the stables.
 Once I got there and parked the truck I went straight to go see Darcy. I notice there was a small red dirty bike at the entrance of the stables that I've never seen before. I went in straight to Darcy's stable but she wasn't there. "Bert!" I called out from inside the stables, "wheres Darcy?" I asked walking out. I couldn't find my uncle anywhere but I did find on of his employees feeding the horses. "Hi I'm Danielle, have you seen my uncle Robert or Darcy?" I asked the man. "Nice to meet you I'm Manuel" he said holding his hand out to shack it. I shook his hand and he said, "I'm not sure where Robert might be, I think he might be in his office but I'm not sure. And as for Darcy, one of the volunteer kids took her to ride this morning, he should be back by now. Oh and if I see Robert I will make sure to tell him your looking for him" What did he say? A volunteer kid took Darcy for a ride? Darcy is my uncles personal horse, he doesn't let just anyone ride her. I thanked the man and headed for the trail where people go ride.
As soon as I got there I saw a horse jogging down the trial. As it got closer I realized it was Darcy. But then I saw the weirdest thing. There was a camera guy filming who ever was on riding. What the fuck? Once Darcy saw me she got excited stopped and leaned her head against me so I could stroke her head. She kept moving and making that noise horses do and bobbing her head. "Whoa Darcy calm down" I heard a deep male voice say. "OK that's a wrap" I heard the camera guy say and left. I looked to see who was riding her, it was no other than Hayes. "What are you doing here?" We said at the exact same time. Darcy was still a little jumpy. "She is usually not so friendly with strangers." he said. I looked at him, "i know. She is kind of my horse, whats your excuse" I asked him. Darcy finally stood still. "Your Roberts niece?" He asked shocked. "yeah" I said a bit annoyed, "why are you riding my horse?" I asked. Darcy wasn't exactly my horse but still he had no right. He hopped off and took off his riding helmet running his hand through his hair. "I volunteer here sometimes"
"That's not an excuse. and whats with that camera man?" I asked.
"oh well here let me explain Its for my TV show. I work on my grandpa's 19 acre farm and I volunteer here. They were just filming me ride." He said it as is it were no big deal.
"you have your own TV show?" I asked with a you-cant-be-serious tone and a weird face.
"yeah like I said, its about me working on the farm and stuff. Why do you say it in that tone?"
"Let me guess, your producers want to show how 'down to earth' Hayes Grier can be right?" I said using air quotes. "That he is not just a boy from vine who is all about the fame, girls and parties" I said. He just stood there looking at me speechless.
Just then I saw Uncle Robert teaching someone on a brown horse walking towards us. As they got closer I saw it was Skylynn on the horse. "Danielle!" she said waving at me with one hand. "hey Danny" uncle Robert said, "i see you've meet Hayes one of my helpers" he said. He looked at Hayes, "did you get the footage you needed?" he said, "yeah sir thank you so much" he said. "wheres your camera crew?" uncle Robert asked. "oh they just left. They got what they wanted. They wont be filming me for a couple of days now while they edit the footage" My uncle nodded. "OK well I have to finish Sky's lessons and I still got another kid. Why don't you and Hayes go help Manuel." I gave my uncle a wide-eyed looked saying 'please don't make me work with him'. My uncle who knew me very well, recognized my look and chuckled a little bit totally ignoring it. "go on kids, go help Manuel. I'll finish up with Skylynn here" I sighed but it turned out to be more of a groan, "OK" I said. Hayes just nodded his head. "see you kids a little bit" He said staring to walk pulling the horse with him. "bye Danielle" Sky waved,"bye Hayes".
"bye Sky" Hayes and I said at the exact same time. We automatically turned and looked at eachother, "we have to stop doing that" I said. Uncle Robert and Sky laughed a little bit. "catch you later dandelion" he said walking away.
I watched them leave and once they were gone Hayes said, "dandelion huh?"
I rolled my eyes today was going to be a long day.

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