Chapter 3

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Before my uncle left for work, he showed me where the Floyd's house was

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Before my uncle left for work, he showed me where the Floyd's house was. I was nervous for this interview, I looked down at my outfit before knocking on the door. I had chosen it carefully. I was careful not to show too much skin, you know keep it professional yet casual. I did the best I could do with the clothes I had, I'm not exactly a fashion person.
I looked up at the big white house. It was really nice and looked about 3 times bigger than my house in California. I took a deep breath and knocked. A tall woman with long black hair and what seemed to be golden eyes with a bit of green? I cant really tell what color her eyes are exactly but they were nice. She gave me a warm smile, "you must be Danielle, Robert's niece" she said holding out her hand. I shook her hand and smiled back, "Yes that's me"
"Please come in. Robert has told me wonderful things about you" she said opening the door wider and gesturing for me to come in. I walked in, wow this house was even more beautiful on the inside. "you have a very lovely home" I said looking around.  "well thank you. Its hard to keep it nice when you have 3 children though" She said leading my to the living room. What did she just say? 3 children? Uncle Robert told me I was babysitting a 7 year old girl not 3 children! I guess she knew what I was thinking because of my expression and laughed a little, "oh honey don't worry, your job will be to babysit skylynn not the rest of my boys. See I have 3 other boys, but my oldest is 21 and is almost never around. The other ones on the other hand are 18 and one just turned 16 but they act as if they were 10" I sat down in her living room and touched my braid to see if it was still in place. "now I don't have my boys look after Sky because well Nash lives in LA and Hayes, well lets say he isn't the most responsible child and he has a life of his own." I just nodded.
"OK so do you have any experience in babysitting?" she asked
"well I babysit my 4 year old sister all the time. I know how to cook a decent meal" I said
"oh good. I see your braiding skill are also pretty good" she said pointing at my braid. I smiled, "thank you"
"tell me about yourself. How old are you? what kind of hobbies do you have?"
"I am 16 so I am about to start my Junior Year of high school next year. I am from San Diego California and I am on the varsity volleyball team."
"oh how nice! Robert has told me that you are a hard worker and a good student."
"yeah I work as a waitress at Apple Bees back home."
"I also understand that you will be here for the rest of summer right?" I nodded.
"OK let introduce you to Skylynn. She just turned 7 last week" She said turning her body towards the side and yelled, "Skylynn! Come down here for a sec!"
Soon I heard little footsteps running down the stairs. A little girl with blonde hair ran to her mother and jumped on her lap. She was adorable. "Sky this is Danielle. She will be your new babysitter" she said winking at me. No way I actually go it. I smiled. "Thank you so much Mrs.Floyd" I began to say. "you can call me Elizabeth" she turned to Skylynn who was looking at me curiously. "Danielle, this is Skylynn"
"nice to meet you Skylynn. I'm Danielle but people call me Danny for sort sometimes."
"I'm Skylyyn and people call me Sky sometimes for short too" She said shyly.
"Do you like horses?" She asked excited. "actually, my uncle owns the horse stables where he teaches you horseback riding lessons."
Her eyes widen and turned to her mother, "shes the one mommy!" She made us all laugh. "Your hair is so pretty. Cant you braid my hair too!" She said jumping out of her moms lap and sitting next to me. "thank you. You have beautiful hair too and I would love to braid your hair. What kind do you want? French, dutch, fishtail, waterfall, you name it."
"mommy she is perfect!" Skylynn said pulling on her mom's arm
"OK let me show you around the house Danielle" Elizabeth said getting up. She gave a tour of their big beautiful house. I saw that there was hundreds of photos of 3 different little kids and Skylynn scattered all over the house. Then I saw a picture of a tall blue eyed teenage boy who seemed familiar. As I looked closer at the photo of that teenage boy with Skylynn I said, "is that Nash Grier?"
"yeah that's my big brother!" Skylynn said jumping up and down. I looked at Elizabeth looking confused, I thought her last name was Floyd not Grier. "Yeah that is my 18 year old son. He lives in California but comes and visits every now and then. He is a bit famous you see, that is why it has been so hard for me to find a babysitter for Sky. A lot of girls just want the job just to be close to him and Hayes" She looked at me, "I'm guessing you know who he is though"
"oh yeah I have heard of him. But I'm not a fan" I said but then realized it was her son I was talking about. "I mean I've never seen the videos he is famous for." Elizabeth laughed, "don't worry. I don't mind that you aren't a fan. Its actually a plus." I smiled in relief. I've have heard about Nash Grier from some girls in school but I've never actually seen any of his videos. To be honest I don't get why he is so famous, I think its because of his looks but who knows.
"and this is my room!" Skylynn yelled in excitement. Her room was any little girls dream room. There were hundreds of toys, stuffed animals, lots and lots of stuff with horses, there was even a swing. There was a swing on the freaking room. I looked around her pink room, "do you want to play with me?"  I was about to say yes when her mom said, "Sky we have a dentist appointment to go to remember?" Skylynn groaned, "but mom I don't want to go to the dentist I want to play with Danielle!"
"There will be plenty of time for that tomorrow honey. Now put on your shoes we gotta get going" Elizabeth turned to be an said "I will walk you out" Skylynn hugged me and said, "bye Danny" I smiled, this girl is so adorable, "goodbye Sky. I will see you soon kay?" She nodded and ran to her closet to pick her shoes.
"So you start tomorrow, is that ok?"
"Yeah that perfect" I said.
"ok so I will need your phone number so I can contact you" She said taking our her pink iPhone 6. I her gave her my number. "ok here is mine" I took out my white iPhone 5 and dialed her number. "ok looks like we are all set. I will be paying you $50 per day. Is that OK?"
"that's great a little too much if you ask me" I said.
"oh no. Sky can be a handful sometimes" She said laughing, "OK see here tomorrow at 12 in the afternoon"
"thank you so much Elizabeth. I promise you wont regret hiring me" I said.
"No problem. I know I wont, I can see Skylynn liked you very much"
"Okay have a nice day Mrs.Floyd. See you tomorrow" I said waving and heading out the door.
"Bye sweetie"
I went to go see my uncle at the horse stables. "Uncle Robert guess what! I got the job and I am getting paid $50 a day!"
"that's great Danny! I knew the Floyd's would like you" he said from the inside of the stables while brushing Darcy. That's reminded me, "umm uncle Robert? Why does she have a son with the last name Grier if her last name is Floyd?"
"oh she was once married to man named Chad Grier. They had 3 boys together bu then they got divorced and she remarried to Johnnie Floyd" Oh, that makes sense. "are you ready to ride Darcy?" my uncle asked me. " is that even a question! Of course!"
I went to change into horseback riding appropriate clothes which included skinny jeans and brown riding boots. Once I got changed I went to Darcy's stable.
"hey girl. I haven't seen you in so long. I've missed you" Darcy lifted her head and let me pet her. "Cmon, lets go ride. Just like old times" I rode her around and then my uncle caught up with me. He was riding on a black horse. "i see you still got it dandelion"
My uncle and I spent the rest of the day riding. I guess North Carolina wasn't going to be so bad.

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