Chapter 2

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"Uncle Robert!" I said greeting my uncle at the airport with a big bear hug.
"How's my little dandelion?" He said looking down at me. My uncle was 6ft tall and I was only 5'4. Dandelion was his little nickname for me since i was a little girl i dont even remember how he gave it to me.
"Im great and you Bert?" I said smiling. Bert was my nickname for him. I love my uncle, I felt like he was the only one who understands me. He is also a middle child, my mom was the oldest and uncle David was the youngest. Ever since i could remeber, my uncle would always know how to make me feel better when i was sad and how to make me laugh, we had so many inside jokes.
"Couldn't be better now that Ive got you here to keep me and Darcy company" he said grabbing my suitcase and heading out the doors of the airport in Charlotte North Carolina. We still had about a 30 minute drive to his house in Mooresville. Darcy was my uncles favorite horse. My uncle owns a small horse stable where he also gives horseback riding lessons.
On the car ride to Mooresville, I updated my uncle on everything going on in my life which isnt very exciting but my uncle listened closely like as if i were explaining how to cure Ebola. I told him about volleyball, about school, friends and job.
We finally arrived at his house.The last I visited his house was when I was 4. Every time after that he would come to California. He lead me upstairs to the guest room. 
"here you go, this will be your room for the next month of so. I hope you like the bed spread i pick out for you" I looked at the room. It was painted white but the light blue bed spread with little daisy flowers on it made up for it.
"i remembered sky blue was your favorite color and I couldn't find any woth dandelions on it but i knew you liked daisys" he said putting my suitcase on the bed. "Its perfect uncle Robert, Thank you " i said hugging him. The floor was wooden but there was a small light yellow rug in front of my bed. There was also a white lamp on the side of my bed on the wooden nightstand. "I really like this room" I said looking around. 
"I thought so" my uncle said smiling at me, "well I will let you unpack. I will call you when dinner gets here, I hope you still like pepperoni pizza"
We were at the dinner table talking about how I was saving up for a car and that I needed to find a job here. "Oh that reminds me!" my uncle said. "Your parents told me about that and I think I found the perfect thing for you!"
"really? What is it?" I asked taking a bite of my pizza
"Well there is this family down the block, the Floyds, they are really nice people and good friends of mine. I give their little 7 year old girl horseriding lessons and last week Elizabeth, her mother Mrs.Floyd, told me that they were having trouble looking for a babysitter for Skylynn, their daughter. I told her about you and she said that she would interview you for the job!" my uncle said, "i thought it would be a perfect job for you since it fits all of your parents requirements. Its not to hard of a job, it wont take up all of your time and beside your really good with kids"
I smiled at my uncle, "that's amazing Uncle Robert! Thank you! When is the interview?" This babysitting job sounded perfect.
"Tomorrow. I talked to Elizabeth and she will be expecting you at her house at 1 in the afternoon for the interview" Maybe I will be able to finish saving up for my car this summer after all.

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