Meet Danielle Rosalina Rey

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*Heres to girls who dont wake up with perfect hair. Who dont mind eating a Big Mac instead of a salad who don't wear 50 pounds of makeup. Who'd rather stay in sweatpants all day than skirts and dresses. Who love the comfort of T-shirts. Who dont get all the guys. Who aren't "popular". Who stick to sneakers instead of heels. Who aren't afraid to break a nail. Who dont always get their way. Who dont get everything they want. Who dont need a boy to tell them they are beautiful. Here's to the girls just like me*
Hello my name is Danielle Rosalina Rey and I live in San Diego California 
I am 16 years old, I have my license but not a car. I have an older brother named Carter who is 18 and a little sister named Isabella who is 4. I live with my parents in a small house. I am on the varsity volleyball team but I am not popular.Im not the prettiest girl at school nor the smartest nor the most athletic. Not many people at my school notice me at all.I'm not a social outcast but I actually only have 2 friends, Sierra and Kevin. I am a totally normal, ordinary, average girl. There is nothing particularly special about me. I am the middle child and am usually forgotten. My older brother Carter on the other hand is one of the popular boys at school, he plays football and lacrosse but gets horrible grades. My family isn't rich, we have alot of bills to pay and that is why I am a waitress at Apple Bees to save up for my own car.

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