Chapter 20

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I was in my room listening to music on my computer on my bed when I heard a knock on my door

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I was in my room listening to music on my computer on my bed when I heard a knock on my door. "come in" I said knowing it was my uncle and turned down the volume to Selena Gomez's new album.
My uncle came in. "whats up uncle Rob" I said looking at my computer screen.
"nothing I just wanted to see how you were doing, you know check in. We haven't really talked alot these past couple of days" Typical uncle Robert, always checking to see if im ok.
"yeah everyhtings fine" I said closing my computuer
"so do you want to talk to me about what happened in the stables yesterday?"he said sitting down at the end of my bed.
"you heard that?" I said kinda embarrassed.
"more like saw" he said, "i just saw Hayes walk into the stables and then I saw you speed walking out like you were mad and then Hayes walking out and kicking a bucket.Did you guys....fight?" he said looking at me.
I sighed, "well sort of. But its not a big deal"
"not a big deal? I saw you practical run out clearly upset Danny. What happened?"
I took a deep breath and explained. I told him everything. Execpet when I hide Hayes in the house. And my uncle listened carefully.
 When I was done he said, "don't you think you over reacted just a little?"
"what? your seriously defending him?" I said surprised
"I'm just saying to give him a chance Danielle. I'm sure you'd be surprised on how kind and loyal he is"
I sorta laughed at that, "ha I doubt it", I said while rolling my eyes.
"doesnt everyone deserve second chances? look nobodys perfect Danny. We all make mistakes and do things we regret" he said.
"well yeah but I don't feel like I should be the one to apologize. I don't regret what I said"
"why don't you want to apoligize to him and be friends?" he asked confused, "why is it that your so against being friends with him"
"I dont know. I feel like im waiting for something that isn't going to happen. You  know, between me and Hayes, because we are just so different. Why would he want to be friends with a girl so ordinary like me when he is like the king of social media? Those things only happen in fairytales and fairytales don't come true" 
"Once in a while, right in the middle of an ordinary life, someone can give you fairytale with love and a beautiful friendship" my uncle said.
"there is no such thing as fairytales" I said, "life isn't a movie"
"but there is such thing as love and friendship, you just have to find it and stop pushing it away. You could have a beautiful friendship with Hayes. A friendship like no other but if you never try youll never know"
I didn't know what to say, i stayed silent. "I think I know whats going on with you" my uncle finally said.
"your scared of being friends with Hayes" he said
"what? That is the most ridiculous thing ive ever hear!" I said
"really?" my uncle said, "you say you can see him fitting in perfectly with the popular kids at your school because he is just like them" I nodded. " and you think and feel that he will ended up being just another Jared and you don't want to go through that again. Am I right"
I stayed silent and looked down. My uncle knew me very well and he was always right.
He continued "but how do you know that for sure if you don't get to know him? Hayes might not be the arrogant, conceded boy you think you see"
"i don't think it will be that easy" I said
"Difficult roads often lead to the most beautiful destinations. We don't meet people by accident. They are meant to cross our path for a reason." I looked down at my hands.
"Do you know why I call you dandileion?" he said softly
"no why" I said looking up.
"Because one day, I don't think you'll remember you were about 3 years old, we were at the meadows near my old farm stables in San Diego. All of us were there, you, me, Carter was about 4 or 5, your mom, dad and even Madison was there, she was about 7. Your aunt Karman wasn't 'cause you know how she hates the stables. Anyway, there was a field full of beautiful flowers, roses, sunflowers, daisy's you name it. And I said you and Madison could pick any flower you wanted. She picked the pink rose and I thought you were going to pick out a little sun flower or daisy knowing they were your favorites but you went up and picked the only dandelion in the garden. Carter said "why did you pick the ugliest flower" and you said, "it's not ugly, its a wish flower" and you closed your eyes and blew on it making your wish. You always see the best in people. You never judged them by their looks. You didn't care were they came from or who they were, you would always be nice and kind and play with them and make them your friend. Anyone would have seen just a weed, an ugly flower. But you saw some thing special, a wish" he said with a look on him face like he just remembered something beautiful, "since that day I call you little dandelion. Not just because of the flower, but because there is something magical about you, something special, something much more than an ordinary girl and because you always have a way to bring out the best in people"

HAYES POV (the next day)
"ok I cant take it anymore" Nash said  looking at me, "just go and apoligize to her already"
"what no" I said looking up from my phone as I lay on the couch
"dude why are two being like this?" he said holding a sandwich in his hand.
"nash you have no idea what she said to me" I said sitting up.
"what did she say"
 I told Nash how I went to the stables to talk to her because she has been a little grouchy lately and how she said my life was fake and that I have no responisbilties, and how she said my friends aren't my age and all I do I party. How she basically called me an arrogant piece of shit.
"well shes not wrong" he finally said.
"your kidding me right? You're taking her side" said giving him a you-not-fucking-serious look.
"I'm not taking anyones side!" he said holding his hands up in surrender and sitting down on the couch, "all I'm saying is that your not doing anything for your future hayes"
"what the hell does that mean?" OK first Danielle now Nash is going to give me a lecture.
"you got kicked out of The Wave, Digi didn't let you go on tour because of what happened, you hardly even post youtube videos. In fact you haven't posted in ages! all you do is sleep and ride your dirt bike around as cameras follow you and party. A lot."
"ok" I said standing up, "Danielle already told me what a fucked up life I have, I don't need you giving me a lecture on how to run it" I was starting to walk out of the living room.
"Hayes you can be a bit cocky sometimes. You feel like your the king of the world and you feel unstoppable and that is what makes you make stupid decisions. I had to drag you out of a party last weekend for god sake because you couldn't handle yourself!" I didn't say anything, I'm so fucking pissed right now. Why does everyone think they can tell me what to do with my life?
"listen" Nash said toning down his voice a bit, "didn't you once say to me that this girl was different, like no other you've met before?" I still didn't say anything.
"if this girl is truly different you can't afford to lose her. If she actually means something to you, grow up and apologize to her for being a douche."
I turned around and faced Nash, "I'm not looking for a relationship right now Nash. I don't need nor want one, especially not with someone who is so moody and bitchy." I said and turned right back around to go to the kitchen.
"you have to stop jumping from girl to girl Hayes! You cant just spend the rest of your life hooking up with random girls while getting wasted at parties! its time to grow up and get your shit together." he paused and calmly said, "I can see something special in this girl I know you see it too. If you let her go you will forever regret it." I looked down and my feet,
 "look you know I leave tomorrow and I would hate knowning that I left you here, making the worst decision of your life"

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