Day 3 (Josh's POV)

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Quick A/n: 

So this is going to be the last "beginning tour days" chapter. I'm gonna take a huge timeskip near the end of the tour. Not at the very end but at the last few shows. I can't write them all XD. Hope that's alright.

Tyler told me about what happened earlier this morning when Mark and I got back. (Y/n) still seems a little shaken up about whatever she was dreaming. She's doing a good job at hiding it, though. I wish there was something I could do to help. 

It's about 8 a.m. now, and we're setting up stage. (Y/n) and Tyler are sitting on the piano taking a short break.

I watched them talk and laugh for a moment.

"Hey, Tyler?" I called. He looked up and I motioned for him to come here.

"'Sup?" He asked.

"I was just wondering: Why are we trying to revive (Y/n)'s memory of us? She already knows we're Twenty One Pilots." Tyler sighed.

"I was honestly asking myself the same question. I thought it was an act of selfishness on my part. But this morning, after what happened, I remembered my actual intentions. Alex told me that it was only when she was listening to our music, talking about the band, or talking to the clique, that she didn't seem so broken. This made her happy. I want that for her. I don't want what already happened last year to happen again," he explained. I nodded.

"Yeah, you've got a point."

"Of course I do, I'm the lead singer." I laughed and rolled my eyes, glancing over to (Y/n), who I could now hear. She was singing. I think Tyler heard it, too. He looked over to her.

"Not for long, Ty, I might kick you out of the band. She has an angelic voice," I stated. Tyler agreed, still staring at her. She noticed this and laughed.

"Take a picture, it lasts longer!" She yelled. Tyler and I laughed. He pulled out his phone, quickly tapping his way to his camera. (Y/n) posed, then chuckling after Tyler brought his phone down to look at the photo. He smiled.

(Y/n) made her way over here and playfully punched us both in the arm.

"What are you two doing just standing around, slackers? LET'S GET TO WORK!" She shouted, a huge smile on her face. Tyler through his hands up in defeat, turning to go help someone with lighting, a smile on his face also. I nodded, going to set up the rest of my drum set.

~11 hours later, 1 hour before the show~

We sat in some of the chairs we had set up earlier beside the stage, and looked at all of our hard work.

We literally did what we normally do but smaller, and no confetti. Unfortunately. There wasn't anything for Tyler to climb so we gave him a latter.

"You know I don't understand why people have to be so far back. I feel like a concert's unfair and unenjoyable if you're anymore than twenty feet back," I said randomly. Tyler sighed and nodded, crossing his legs.

"That, my friend, is something we can't fix. Tonight's show shouldn't have that many people though. From what I can see, this is a really, really small town."

"We should hang out after the show for a while, like an after party. Talk to people and stuff. Eat food. Dance. It'd be fun," (Y/n) proposed. That actually isn't a bad idea. Our next show is in three days, in Florida. We can take a three-four hour stop, right?

"Agreed," Tyler and I said in unison.

~After the show. Sorry I skip those parts. I just don't know how to write out something like that~

"Thank you all so much for coming, you guys have been great tonight!" Tyler yelled into the microphone.

"I'd like to ask the people that can stay to do so, I know it wasn't exactly in the ticket description, but we're doing an after party thing. (Y/n), Josh and I will be walking around and talking to everyone. We have food and stuff being delivered. So please, if you can, stick around!"


I heard a lot of stories tonight.

Some silly, some sad, and some that I will remember for the rest of my life. The same goes for everyone else.

Tonight was a great night, and I'm glad (Y/n) brought up the idea.

Listening to everyone and listening to what they've gone through just makes this wonderful job so much better. I have purpose here, to help people, to make them smile. And I'm greatful for every god-given second of it.

"You ready to hit the sack, Jish?" (Y/n) asked, seeing that I was half asleep on the couch. I tiredly nodded, getting up and going straight to my bunk.

A/n #2:

SO. I have oNE more chapter (It's gonna be short sorry) that I'm going to write before i PAUSE this story. I'm just not feeling it right now if you know what I mean. I have the motivation to write something else though so I'll be working on that. I'm not posting any chapters on it until I have at least 3-4 chapters. This gives me some time to think about what I want to do with the story next. BOTH stories. The one I'm writing isn't a fanfiction though. I don't know how many  of you would be interested but I'll post it anyway.

The last chapter (for now) that I'm writing (I'm literally writing it as you're reading this if you're reading right after I post this chapter) is going to be about the 1 year anniversary of the reader and Tyler. Hope you're looking forward to it ; ) I know I am

Love you guys!

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