Tomoko Kuroki

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"Romance is all about how far you'll go to prove your love. Finding a person who's worth the effort is pure luck. You just gotta wait for the right hurricane to sweep you off your feet."

"Resenting the past won't change anything. It just makes me want to kill myself! I have some control over my future, but there's no changing the past! I'll simply do what I can right now."

"I read in some book that sad and painful things are the spices of an enjoyable life... But I seem to get nothing but spices!"

"No, no. Actually I should be super popular among those pedos. Is it really because I'm small?"

"Yeah. You're right. I'll kill myself."

"If shortening my lifespan by a year would kill these guys, I'd do it..."

"If you're not a worthless god, I'd like to see you try and make me happy...if you can't manage that, at least make everyone as unhappy as me. If you can't, it's fine I guess...but I'll despise you forever."

"It's fine if the sun wants to start shining brighter now that it's almost spring, but I wish it would take into consideration people like me who are weak against the sun."

"Don't read if you're a bitch."

"Get your ass over here you cockroach!! I'll show you the power of humanity!!"

"My favorite jam is Strawberry Jam!"

"I just had a totally normal conversation with someone! I'm gonna go stop for icecream!"

"You want to stain the red suit even redder with virgin blood, huh, Santa?"

"A new school term. A new phase. A new stage. Everything until now was a warm up. The realshow starts now."

"Best to learn how to be a bitch from a bitch."

People say "you're beautiful in your own ways." but at the end of the day all they care about is the looks.

"Nothing anime-ish happened to me..."

"Oh, my god! I just talked to a hot guy!"

"There are a lot of anime aimed at moe pigs this season."

"That was fun! I wasted an entire day playing games and watching anime, I'm happy!"

"Why is my past coming back to kill me?!"

"Why do you keep cleaning your room?! That's what parents are for!"

It's been so long since anybody talked to me at school... Not even a "goodbye."

'I pray that all of the girls here end up married to fat NEET losers.'

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