Assembly & Surprise?

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Sorry to bother all of the classes, but the seniors are waited at the auditorium with their teachers, thank you.

I was in French class right now doing some work that Mme Pelletier (A/N: Mme is an acronym for madame in french. In English it's basically Mrs) asked us to do.
The class, not counting me, started questioning each other.

Why would any of you know why we are called at the auditorium?

This wasn't planned. Well not for us anyway.

"I heard that we're being called in because of what Jack McAllister did in the principal's office." This girl behind me said to her friend.

How did y'all even know that?

And who the heck is Jack McAllister?

"Classe! En silence, s'il vous plaît!"

(Class! In silence, please!)

We got out of the class. Not in silence.

I stayed behind the two spreading-rumors girls.

"Oh really? I heard that what he did was so disgusting and like so immature."

What was so immature and disgusting that he did?

"Oh really?" Stop with 'oh really' already, cause yes really. "What did he do?"

Yes! What did he do?!

"He dre-"

"Laura et Jessica! On marche dans les corridors en chuchotant."

(Laura and Jessica! We walk in the halls whispering.)

Seriously Mme Pelletier!?

I wanted to know what he did!

They shut up after that.

Even though they never do.

After going down the stairs to the first floor, which was a lot since we were on the fourth floor.

Of course some people tried to sit with their friends. With Mme Pelletier it sure won't work. With Mrs. Maxwell it would. So at the end you had some grumgy students with satisfied teachers.

A lot of people started talking to each others. Too bad Laura and Jessica weren't in front or beside me right now.

I searched in the seated crowd for my friends.

I saw Layla and Nate together. I remember they said that they had Science together. I spotted Thomas and Parker a few rows behind me.

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