LA, I'm tired.

0 0 0

Takes a nap. Gets woken up by Isabella cuz the hairdresser is there. Changes fast.

Finishes at 8 PM.

Tattoo appointment at 9 PM.

Takes a thirty minutes naps before the tattoo appointment.

All at her house.

Since a very long time, I've wanted a tattoo. I just never got the guts to actually do it. So during this week, during the times that I wasnt sleeping or being busy, I searched for some cool small tattoos to put on my wrist.


I look at my phone and see that someone texted me.

I get up from bed and go downstairs.

Once I get to the front door

Tweet before going on the plane for LA: I've never been on a plane so much in one week.. 😴😴😴

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