12. Level 2: The Forest, The Temple and The Trap

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A voice came from one of the far stars. It was so faint and soft, though I couldn't grasp whose voice it was.

"Aries!!", the voice was louder but not clear enough to know whose it was. Slowly, the stars started to resonate the voice and then, the whole universe was ringing with one word.

And then everything started to warp away. It was like somebody was shaking a bottle full of universe really fast and the stars were flowing here and there.

"ARIES!!!", this time the voice was clear, loud..... and angry.

I woke up with a start. Juhi was shaking me vigorously.

"What happened?", I asked.

"Wake up sleepyhead! I was trying to wake you up since ten minutes or something!", Juhi said, irritated.

I got up and rubbed my eyes.

"Is it time to go?", I asked as I glanced towards the timer. Around twenty five minutes remained. I got out of my sleeping bag and looked around. Freez was trying to get Yoyo to get up. Skyla stood near the cupboard.

"Let me go and help Freez," Juhi said and went off towards them.

I yawned, stretched my hands and leg, and went to Skyla.

"What's up Skyla?" Skyla was still super sleepy which was evident from her droopy eyelids. Her shoulder length black hair were escaping from her pony tail. Basically, she looked like a mess. Though I was pretty sure that I didn't look any better, if not any worse.

"Nothing. Just waiting for Siya to come out."

Now that she mentioned it, Siya was nowhere to be found. Juhi was helping Freez with Yoyo. Me and Skyla were here but Siya wasn't anywhere.

"Where is she?"

Skyla pointed towards a door in the cupboard.

"What's inside?", I asked, feeling dumb.

"An awesome washroom," Skyla replied. "By the way, Siya took out our clothes, shoes and basically everything that we need, and it's all inside. And I'm next. Don't you even think about cheating and going before me."

That's exactly what I was thinking, but I had just woken and was in no mood of a brawl, and that to with Skyla. I just said ok and went to Freez, Yoyo and Juhi.

Freez and Juhi were literally pulling Yoyo's arms, trying to get her up.

"Let her sleep! It's going to be a while before the washroom is empty. She'll wake up when it's free," I said.

"Aries, I swear I love you!!  You're the best!!", Yoyo said as she cuddled back into her sleeping back. She looked like the cutest thing.

"AHH! Whatever!", Freez exclaimed.

Only now did I realise that Freez and Juhi were already ready. Juhi wore a green military-type shirt which was buttoned and sleeveless. She wore a white t-shirt inside with half sleeves. She had tucked them in khaki coloured roll-up pants. And with her black, luscious, shoulder-length hair loose - she looked awesome!

Freez basically had the same-looking stuff. She had her shirt buttoned up to the neck and chose to not tuck it in. She had loosely plaited her waist length black hair and she too, I must say, looked coolly awesome.

"Hey Juhi! Let's go and check the drawers in the cupboard!!", Freez said.

"Alright! Aries, coming?"

"Na! I'll be here!"

And they took off towards the cupboard.

"Finally woke up?"

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