5. Level 1 - The Nightmare Starts

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When I saw what came out from there, my blood went cold. It was hideous - whatever it was, though my best guess was that it was a zombie.

It was one of the guys who worked in the office - probably Lance. It was so hard to tell with all the blood and the scary sneer he wore on his face. His teeth were so visible, as though to make it clear that those are the ones that are gonna bite right into us.


It looked as if the thing was happy to see us......or more precisely, his lunch.

A moment later another zombie came out. This was scarier than the other. One of its eyes had been gauged out and a fountain of blood was flowing out of it.

I wanted to scream out loud but my voice just couldn't come out. And just then, another one again.

"GRRR!", all of them growled at the same time. Until now, they had all been gathering at one place but then, they all started walking - or whatever it is the way zombies move - towards us.

15 feet from us.

Shit, why can't I move a muscle?

9 feet

At least scream idiot throat!!!

6 feet

I could almost feel it grabbing me now. And then, I found that I could move.

"Hmm, guys? What are waiting for?", Skyla asked and just like before 'Love me Like you Do' started playing.

"Can someone stop this shit?", I shouted, super annoyed.

And it did stop but the zombies unfortunately didn't.

I certainly didn't plan to become zombie food so I shouted, "EVERYBODY, RUN!", and started running towards the school building again.

"Like we need to be told, " Skyla said as she passed by me. Juhi then came up beside me. I'm a 1000% sure I had never run this fast in my life.

I saw Juhi drop her bag.

"Don't drop your bag, stupid", I said, stopping and picking it up.

"Why?", Freez asked as she came beside me and stopped to wait for me. I don't think Juhi even heard me and if she did, she really didn't understand.

"I'll tell you later," I said as we both grabbed the bag and started running towards the building. At the same time, Skyla came running out of the building. Why the hell is she running out of there?

"ZOMBIES IN THE BUILDING TOO!", she shouted looking at us and started running towards our old classroom.

This classroom was separated from all the other buildings. It was kinda a separate small building with library, bio and physics lab and a classroom.

The classroom was actually attached to the physics lab. So, I guess you can say that in one room there were two sections - classroom and physics lab.

Fortunately, the door was open. Skyla held the door as one by one all of us ran inside.

"Guys, lock the door fast, " Yoyo said.

Although it was in one room, there were two doors that lead into it. Skyla bolted the one from which we came in as Siya checked the one in the physics lab part.

"Some help here? ", she said.

I went and bolted the door completely. I checked four times before I was convinced that it had locked correctly.

And then we all gathered in the classroom.

"Someone turn the AC on!", Juhi exclaimed.

"We are basically in a zombie movie and you care about stupid AC! SERIOUSLY?", I said as I sat down on one of the chairs while throwing the bag I was wearing on the desk.

"Yeah! It's hot!", she said and went to turn the AC on.

"What the hell is going on?", Freez asked in a worried tone. And I had only one guess to that question.

As if to confirm the theory that was forming in my mind, Juhi suddenly let out the most shrill scream you'll ever hear.

"STOP!", almost all of us shouted at the same time.

"I swear the zombies didn't give me a heart attack but your scream did Juhi," Yoyo said.

We were all sitting on random chairs with our bags on their respective desks. Our backs were towards the door and the whiteboard in front of us. The AC was on the left of the board from my perspective. I guess we all wanted to not think about the horrible voices coming from outside the door, that's why we were all facing the board.

I went to where Juhi was standing near the AC and saw what she had screamed about. There was a small gap in the AC slot through which we could see outside - well, at least the sky. Only this time, there was no sky.

According to what we had seen near the office, it should be a cloudy day outside but looking from here, there was only blackness. Pure, deep blackness - which made me uncomfortable, thinking about what it may be hiding.

"I was right," I said, more to myself than to others.

"So, it's real," Skyla said from the back.

"Can you guys stop talking in code language and tell me, WHAT IS GOING ON? ", Freez yelled.

"We're in the game," I said.

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