3. The Boy with an Eye Tattoo

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Just when panic was starting to creep in, the darkness all around us disappeared and was replaced with unbearable light. The sudden brightness made all of us to cover our eyes. The whiteness around us seemed like it glowed from the inside and there was no source from where the light was coming. It was as though the air itself was emitting light.

As my eyes began to adjust, I realised that we were standing on nothing! My feet could feel the hard floor but my eyes couldn't see them at all. I guessed maybe we were standing on some glass.

For a few seconds, it was all so still with us just looking around and taking in the massive white space around us. And then a voice boomed across the space and just like the light, it was impossible to tell where it was coming from.

"Welcome to my world!"

We exchanged worried looks and then Freez shouted, "Who are you?"

And I asked others, "Where the hell is that voice coming from?"

"No idea! It's echoing all around," said Skyla.

"Hey! Do you see that?", Juhi exclaimed suddenly, pointing her finger towards a point in the whiteness.

And then I noticed a vague outline of a person standing far away. He was so far that I couldn't even make out if it was a guy or a girl.

"HEY? ANYBODY THERE?", Skyla asked.
No reply.

"HELLO! YOU IDIOT!", added Juhi.

"Ah, I don't think it's a good idea to call him idiot," I said.

"Hmm.... So, should we go there?", Yoyo asked.

"I think we should. No other choice in a place like this, is there?", said Siya.

"All right then. Let's go!", I said as I started walking towards where there was supposedly a person.

Just as we had all starting walking, the ground - if there even was one - jetted forward with a really strong force. The suddenness of it made me lose my balance and I fell face first onto the invisble floor. It felt as if I was a ball which had been thrown with incredible force. The wind whipped at my face and my eyes began to water as I tried to keep them open. I was probably afraid that if I closed them, something real bad would happen. The worst part of all of this was that there was nothing to hold on to except each other.

Beside me Juhi was in the same condition as I was in. I could see that she was screaming though I couldn't hear her over the sound of the rushing wind in my ears. My fingers were hurting as I squeezed her hand as tight as I could.

Finally, it all ended. My head was spinning and my stomach felt as if it was trying to come out of my mouth. Around me, others slowly started to get up but I was too nauseated to even think straight.

"Are you guys ok?", Siya's voice came from somewhere behind me.

I finally gained some control of my brain and tried to sit up.

"Aah! That was worse than any roller coaster I've ever been on!", I said in a weak voice.

I realised that Juhi was still on the ground and that I was still holding her hand - or more correctly, she was still holding mine.

"Juhi! Get up dudiee," I said while shaking her.

"I feel like vomiting!", she replied.

"I know but at least sit up!"

And she finally did. When my head began to clear more, I saw that everyone was staring somewhere. When I followed their gaze, I saw that they were staring at a person - a guy, with blue hairs wearing a long white coat with black borders and was having a tattoo near his right eye. He was standing with folded arms in the most casual way imaginable. But what struck me most was that he was smiling, no smirking at us. It was an evil smirk.

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