1. A Strange Gift

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"Is the topic of female reproductive system clear? ", our biology teacher asked.

"Yes! ", we all said in a monotone.

"Ok then. Please do the diagrams and the questions in your textbook in your holidays. Don't waste your holidays!"

"Ok ma'am! "

And finally she left the class.

"Can someone tell me why we have to learn about this stuff on our last day before the long awaited holidays????", I sighed.

"Ikr! I want these holidays so badly. I've to watch soooo many movies," Freez said.

"Me too!", both me and Skyla said in unison.

By now we were making our way towards the buses. We were the only students in the whole school. All other classes had holidays. That's why most of us were going in the same bus today which was awesome.

"Shit! My father is late again today. I'm so jealous of you guys," Juhi said sadly.

"Don't worry girl. He's just busy," I said, while smacking her arm with my fist.

"Ow! You've to stop doing that, " Juhi exclaimed.

"Dudiees, did you hear about the news yesterday? ", Skyla asked.

"Oh about that new gaming tech! Man that's super awesome. Today they're gonna display it right? ", Freez said excitedly.

"Yup! I want to buy that. I hope it's available here soon! ", Yoyo said.

"Yeah! I'm not a gamer but with this tech, who wouldn't want to play????", I said.

"Alright guys bye!"

Now, the gaming tech we were talking about was a futuristic stuff that I thought would never come true. But guess what? It did - full dive tech so that it feels as though you ate in the game and playing it. Awesome right?

Though we still didn't know what it looked like or basically anything about it! It's like sone kind of big secret that's gonna be revealed tonight and it was gonna be live too. Can't wait for it!!

Me, Skyla and Freez spent the rest of our journey to our homes talking about movies and celebs that we like. Finally, I reached home. My home's on the second floor and I always gotta use the stairs to climb up 'cause our building had no elevators - which sucks btw.

When I reached my door and rang the bell, I barely noticed a super white box. I took it and went inside.

"Aries, get fresh and drink some milk before you do anything else", my mom said from the kitchen.

I wanted to check what's inside so badly. But, no choice!

"Ok mom! "

Fifteen minutes later I was having the super white box in my hand again. It was really white (that's why super white) - it almost seemed to be glowing. I went to my room and say on the bed with it.

When I opened it, it really was glowing inside. And in the centre (it was hovering!!!!) was a circular head band kinda thing. It had a translucent crimson glass at the front. What the hell was it??


I took my mobile to check out a message that I got. It was on WhatsApp in our 'stupid stuff' group (yes we named it stupid stuff because we talked about stupid stuff in it).

Freez: Guys, any idea what this is?

Freez: I found it in front of my home after I came back

Oops! Această imagine nu respectă Ghidul de Conținut. Pentru a continua publicarea, te rugăm să înlături imaginea sau să încarci o altă imagine.

Freez: I found it in front of my home after I came back. I asked my parents but they've no idea what this is.
They're saying it might be done really cool looking glasses.

Me: You too? Even I found it in front of my home. I was for my dad to come home so that I could ask him about it.
Honestly, even I thought what your parents thought!
Stupid, I know.

Yoyo: Guys just reached home and I found the same thing!

Freez and me: NO WAY!!!

Juhi, Siya and Skyla: Even I found the same thing!!!

Yoyo: This is freaking me out! 😣

Me: And the box was so spooky, kinda!

Skyla: It was spooky and awesome too!

Juhi: Ikr!

Siya: So what should we do with it?

Me: Wear it of course! I'm gonna try it.

Juhi and Skyla: Stupid! Don't do it! What if it's dangerous??

Me: It looks really not dangerous to me! It just looks like some normal glasses that are futuristic. And I wore it.

Everyone: Idiot!

Me: Guys you really gotta try it! You look super cool in this thing. Wait I'll send a pic.

And I sent them a selfie.

Me: Guys you gotta try it too and send the pics!

And then I got a lot of selfies from everyone.

We were just chatting stupid stuff about this cool glasses before my phone suddenly turned off. For a few seconds nothing happened, and then unimaginable pain attacked my head.

It felt as if my brain was being electrocuted and beaten with a hammer at the same time. I wanted nothing but for the pain to end and it did - after I went unconscious.

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