6. Level 1 : The Plan

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"I'll go crazy!", Yoyo announced as all of us sat in the classroom listening to the horrible zombies outside. We had decided that maybe if we don't make any sound, the zombies will just go away, thinking no one's in there. But so far, it hasn't worked even a little, though it had almost been an hour.

"Anybody got ideas?", I asked as I looked at the now bloodstained window panes - at least they were translucent and not transparent.

"No. This sucks. Why can't we have some cool weapons at least, like in those SciFi movies?", Skyla said.

Freez and Siya were the ones who were struck the worst with the fact that all of the things that that dude had said were true. They both sat with their heads lying on the desks and their hands covering their ears.

"Aries, why did you pick up my backpack?", Juhi asked suddenly.

"Oh yeah! I'm so stupid!", I said as I got up suddenly. I took my backpack and opened it. Inside, I found just what I had thought I would.

"Skyla, looks like your wish just came true!", I said as I took out a really awesome looking gun that had glowing neon blue on its edges. It was big, but I loved the feel of it. I had always wanted to try a gun of this sort.

Following me, Skyla too started ravaging her bag and she brought out a similar looking gun - except it was glowing neon red.

"This looks awesome!", Skyla said.

"WTF!", Yoyo said as she took out another gun, except it was...

"Why is mine small and yours big?", she said. It was glowing green.

Juhi found a gun like Skyla's, though like Yoyo, it was smaller.

"Freez! Siya! You gotta check this out!", I said as I shook them.

"Hmm," Freez reacted.

"What the hell? They are sleeping?", Skyla asked.

"Seems so," I replied. "And I was thinking they were super scared or something!"

"Wake up, idiots!", Skyla said as she shook the two of them vigoruously.

"What happened?", Freez said as she slowly woke up and rubbed her eyes. When she realized what we were holding in our hands, she was like,

"Aah! What the hell is that? Where did you guys get it from?"

"Our bags," Juhi said.

"Wow! Really?", Siya asked.

Freez and Siya started checking out their own bags and found similar guns.

"I wonder what they do?", I asked. Then I pointed it at a wall and shot. A second later, the wall was frozen where I had shot.

"ARIES!", Juhi screamed.

"What?", I asked, realising later that the place I had shot on the wall was just a few feet away from where Juhi was standing.

"Oh shit! I'm so sorry Juhi! I was so excited, I didn't see you standing there!", I apologised.

"How the hell can you not see me, stupid? ", Juhi said.

"Sorry dudiee! Really sorry!"

We checked the other guns and it turned out that red guns fired fire and the green ones sent a green laser that made holes in basically everything we shot at.

"Hmm, so before somebody kills someone, somebody tell me a plan," Skyla said.

"That's a lot of somes!", Yoyo said.

"What plan?", Siya said.

"We need a plan to clear the level, right?", I said.

"But we're not going outside, correct?", Freez asked.

"Of course we are!", Skyla said. "How else are you going to find whatever the thing we've got to find?"

"You want me to go out there and risk my life? Why the hell would I do that?", Freez asked.

"Because that's the only way out!", I said. "Or do you want to stay here forever?"


"Freez, we can't just sit here," Yoyo said - surprisingly. I was expecting her to act a little more scared. Then again, it's Yoyo we are talking about, she could be super unexpected at times.

"So, we've to go out there?", Siya asked.

"Yup! We ALL have to!", I replied. " And I think I've got an idea of a plan."

"An idea of a plan?", Juhi asked.

"Yeah! Not the full plan, just an idea of it."

"Well, an idea can change your life. So, let's hear it," Juhi said.

"First off, we need to get out of here. To do that, what I am thinking, is that couple of us have to act as a bait. Lure the zombies in. While they do that, rest of us will go out from the physics lab side door, " I said. I waited for them to react to it, but they didn't so I continued.

"After that we'll split in three teams. One into block A, one into block B and one to check out the ground. Anybody gets the thing, shoot the gun in the air. We'll decide a gun for each team. Try to fire that one only. So, how's it?"

"Stupid! Split up? Are you serious?", Juhi asked.

"Yeah! And the bait part is also kinda too risky.", Siya said.

"I like the plan," Yoyo said.

"Someone likes it!", I exclaimed. "You guys got any better ideas? I'm up for them."

"I think everything is nice except the splitting up part. We can all just stick together," Skyla said.

"But, imagine all six of us in the open ground, we'll attract all the zombies in the school. There isn't even a place to hide there, except maybe behind the stage, but we can't hide forever. Also, we can't take our weapons for granted. The ammo may run out and what if we gotta use the weapons in the next level?", I replied.

"So, if we split up there will be two of us in each team?", Yoyo asked.


"I have to agree, I guess that's the best plan for now!", Skyla finally agreed.

"What? Seriously?", Freez asked.

"C'mon guys! There's is no way we're gonna make it out of here unless we take some risks," I said.

"By the way, that's a full plan and not an idea of a plan, Aries!", Skyla said.

Finally, Juhi, Siya and Freez too agreed to the plan. The teams were decided as follows:
Team 1 - Freez and Yoyo - red gun.
Team 2 - Juhi and Aries (me) - blue gun.
Team 3 - Skyla and Siya - green gun.

Me and Skyla somehow ended up being the bait. By the time we were done, my heart was beating uncontrollably.

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