8. Level 1: The "Thing"

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The noise grew unbearably loud as Skyla opened the door.

It was my job to shoot the first zombies so Skyla could make it to the teacher's desk. But, I was frozen in fear, staring at the nightmare in front of me.

"ARIES!", Skyla screamed, as a zombie caught her hand out of nowhere.

I jerked out of my stupor and shot. Just like before, a line of blue shot out of the muzzle and hit the zombie. It froze, icy crystals forming on its body and a second later, shattered into a million pieces. I did not move my finger from the trigger and continued shooting zombies. Meanwhile, Skyla came beside me as I stood up, freezing a zombie that was heading towards the lab side of the room.

As I glanced there, I saw that all the others still stood there, pure fear in their eyes. Can't blame them though.

"GUYS! GET OUT! NOW!!", I yelled at them.

"Oh, right!", Yoyo said and pushed open the door.

Skyla burned the zombies to ashes, as I froze them. We slowly made our way to the escape door, all the while keepinv our eyes on the never ending horde of zombies pouring into the classroom.

"NOW!", Skyla said and we broke into a run towards block B. For a sec, I couldn't believe that we made it out of that class, literally.

I could see the others a few feet ahead of us and they were staring at the walls for some reason (as they ran). I glanced at the walls and knew what they were staring at. My first thought was, Man! This ain't gonna be easy at all!!!!!

The walls were filled with all sorts of stuff - paintings (real, framed ones); glowing graffiti; books, balls, kites and many other things were hanging on the walls. Suddenly, I realised that it wasn't day anymore and the sky was completely dark, not even a star in sight. The only light came from the glowing graffiti. Actually, it seemed like everything on the walls were glowing. It was unbelievably beautiful and kinda spooky at the same time.

We ran to a boundary like wall which had a doorway which kinda separated the two blocks. As soon as we were past the doorway, we turned left and there was a door leading inside the block B (a side door). The door had steps leading up to it. Nothing was visible inside, it was all pitch black.

"STOP!", I shouted.

"What happened?", Yoyo asked.

The growls were now just a faint sound. Which meant that the only growls came from where we had come. Does that mean the block was empty? Or were there other creatures lurking in the shadows?

"Let's go in carefully," I said.


I tightened the grip on my gun. The blue neon tube (which I guess held the glowing stuff) had less of the liquid now. These things can run out pretty soon, I guess, especially the small ones.

We slowly walked up the steps towards the darkness. As we passed the threshold, a small passage came into view. Just as I was wondering where the light was coming from, I noticed all the weirdo stuff on the walls, glowing like ghosts in the dark. But what troubled me most was that there wasn't anything in sight, not even a sound could be heard.

"Alright! Here goes nothing!", I said as I took a sudden right and stepped into a room. It was the teacher's staff room and it had paintings - glowing paintings - all over the walls with glowing graffiti on the desks.

We slowly poured in as I went close to a painting. It was an abstract painting with glowing strokes of various colours, all adding up to form a portrait of a couple. The next one was a painting of a beautiful galloping horse and the other was a painting of the sea from a beach.

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