10. Level 1: Done?

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I reacted on instinct and hurled a couple of ice - grenades at the monster-woman as I pulled Yoyo with me back into the class. Only after a moment did I realise what had I done.

"So, you're back so fast?", Juhi said, smirking.

"Shhh! She's right outside," I hissed, trying to keep my voice as low as possible.

"You threw the grenades at her, isn't she dead?", Yoyo whispered.

I went to the window and slowly opened it, only to find the supposedly frozen monster-woman already half unfrozen. Did anything even work on her?

"How are we supposed to kill her?", Skyla asked, echoing my thoughts, as looked through the window.

"Now what?", Siya asked the dreaded question.

"Don't know!", Skyla said.

"Mayb-", I was just about to say a plan when a screech filled the room. I slammed my hands on my ears but that did little to block out the sound.

After what felt like an eternity, the screeching stopped. I couldn't make out whether it was the monster-woman's shriek or her trying to get through the door with her nails.

Skyla, who was near the window opened it and saw the expected. The monster-woman was gone from her frozen position. We could see her silhouette near the door. A screech would fill the room everytime she slashed at the door. Thank Goodness the door is holding, but how long before it gave up?

"Told you staying here is a bad idea," I said, looking at Juhi. It was my turn to put on the told-you-so face.

"Any plans?", Freez asked.

"What if we ran through the other door?", Juhi suggested.

"That's too risky! We don't even know how fast she is. What if she's super fast? She could catch us easily as we run," Skyla said.

"What if we used the same plan as we used for the zombies?", Yoyo screamed. It was too hard to hear anything because of the screeches. My head was beginning to ache.

"Same thing," Skyla said impatiently as the screeching stopped for a moment before starting all over again.

"What if we all attack her at once?", I asked.

"We'll have to open the door for that," Skyla said.

"Can't we do it through the window?", I asked again.

"Hmm, will she even come near the window?", Freez asked, as another screech filled the air.

"We'll have to have some bait, if we wanna do that that is," Skyla said.

"Got any other ideas?", Juhi yelled, her hands covering up her ears.

"Any volunteers?", Siya asked, as the screeches receded for sometime.

"Let's just do something like eenie meenie," I said and it ended up with Siya being the bait. Siya's face had literally turned white by the time she opened the window. She leaned ahead and looked left. We could hear the monster-woman's heavy breathing because of the silence that had fallen on all of us.

We heard a sharp intake of breath and everything happened so quickly. Siya screamed, the monster-woman was perched on the window sill, Siya was on the floor - screaming, crying, clutching her left arm. All I did was hurl two more ice-grenades, pick up Siya's gun and aim at the monster-woman.

It was a green one and the green laser hit her stomach. The others were also firing at the monster-woman and she fell off the window sill. I ran to Siya and saw what was wrong with her hand. It was scratched or more like three pretty deep cuts were bleeding continuously from her left arm. I guess the monster-woman tried to get a hold of her and this was a result of her super long nails.

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