2. Darkness

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When I woke up I couldn't be sure whether I was awake. It was so dark. I felt numb. When slowly the feelings came back to my body, I realised that I had throbbing pain near my stomach. Suddenly something hit me right in guts.

"OW! What the -"

"Oh you're finally awake?," Skyla's voice said from somewhere in the dark, "I was getting tired of kicking you! "

"Why the hell were you kicking me?", I asked with agony as I tried to sit up straight.

"Because I was tired of shaking you. You just wouldn't get up! Plus, I hate being alone in the dark!!!"

And, for the first time since I woke up, I realised that I didn't know where I was! And what was Skyla doing here and ALONE!

"Where the hell are we?", I literally screamed as I stood up, and I winced. "And please don't ever try to wake me up if I'm unconscious. Ever again!!"

"I don't know where we are. I've been here for like half an hour! "


"Will you stop shouting?!"

"Haven't you tried to find a way out?"

"Am I crazy to go out looking in the dark all alone? I was starting to go crazy before I found you!"

"Hmm...how did you know it was me?"

"Don't know, just a hunch I guess? "

Even I couldn't see her. I could just guess where she was sitting by her voice while I was looking here and there, tryna find something - just anything at all.

"Have you heard anything? "

"Nope! It's been as quite as a haunted house with no lights, which is scary by the way! "

And right at that moment, a scream erupted from the darkness. I was pretty sure I had heard that scream somewhere before. I looked towards where I thought Skyla was.

"Should we go check it out?", I asked.

"Do we have any other choice? "

I took that as a yes and so, started walking towards where we had heard the scream come from. We walked for a good ten minutes before I heard since noises. It sounded like someone was crying, though a lot louder. We walked a little closer to the noise.

"Wh-", Skyla started to ask when suddenly it was all so bright. I covered my eyes with my arms and squinted.

When my eyes finally began to adjust, I saw Freez and Yoyo hugging and crying like babies. If you've watched anime, then imagine them as two chibi girls hugging with waterfalls falling from their eyes.

"Hmm...guys? "

"Aries! Skyla! ", Yoyo said as she spotted us and ran towards us with Freez following behind. She came and squeezed the life out of both me and Skyla. And, finally we had a tight group hug.

"Where we're you?", she said between sobs. "It was so scary! "

"Yes, it was!", Freez said as she hugged us too.

While trying to calm these two down, I spotted two others in the distance, running towards us as though they were running from a rabid dog - Juhi and Siya.

As they came closer, instead of slowing down, they sped up and crashed into us. I was pushed to the ground with Juhi hugging me like a small scared girl hugging her teady bear!

She swore like a billion times before she finally came to her senses.

"My mom will kill me! I've been here for so long! "

"It was so scary! "

Etc. were said by everyone.

Finally when everyone had calmed down, the obvious question was asked: Where we're we?

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