7. Level 1: Let's GO!!

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"Wait!", Siya said. "If Aries is supposed to be with Juhi, then why is she with Skyla as a bait?"

"Yeah!", Skyla said. "It will be easier if the same team members are the bait, then they can directly go to their place. Plus, we haven't even decided the places yet."

"Oh yeah! I didn't even think about it!", I said. "So, let's first decide where is each team going. Freez and Yoyo, where do you wanna go?"

"I don't know! Freez, you say!", Yoyo said.

"Seriously? Loser! Putting everything on me!", Freez replied. "Ok! We'll go to block B."

"You sure?", I asked.


"Everybody okay with this?"

Everyone nodded.

"Alright then! Then you'll have to go first. I was thinking me and Juhi will go to block A. What do you say, Juhi?"

"Yeah OK!", Juhi replied.

"Hey! But then me and Siya will have to go to the OPEN ground. Why should we go there?", Skyla asked.

"Well, someone has to go," I replied.

"Guys, I've an idea," Siya said.

"What?", both me and Skyla asked at the same time.

"How about you both go to the ground and me and Juhi go to block A?"

"I like this idea!", Juhi replied.

"Woah woah woah! Hold on a minute! So, are you telling me that Juhi and you are gonna be together? I can only imagine you two screaming most of the time!", Yoyo said.

"I've to agree!", I said.

"You know what guys? Let's just stick together and go everywhere together!", Freez said.

"That's what I was saying right from the start!"

"Ok! Whatever!", I said, although I was a little disappointed. But, in the end, I guess that was the best. Plus, seeing everyone everyone scream would be fun I guess. (Smirking)

"So, still! Who's gonna be the bait?"

"Let the bait be the same! What we should decide is where are we going first?", Juhi said.

"Great!", I said in a sarcastic tone.

"Let's go to block B first," Skyla said.

"Why?", Yoyo asked.

"Because, we can easily run there after getting out of here," Skyla replied.

"But, there's one problem," I said.


"We don't know anything about the zombies there. What if we go there and there's a billion zombies waiting there?"

"It's the same case everywhere, dudiee!", Skyla said.

"I guess!", I said, realising just now the hell of a situation we are in. What if one of is caught? Are we supposed to save her or what? Well, I shouldn't think of stuff like this.

"Well, then let's go!", I said.

We all picked up our guns and I opened the window slightly to check out the condition outside. It was hell, literally. Blood stained people, some with no eye while others with a missing limb, all there just to devour us. They were everywhere and unfortunately, they were much more than I expected. Man, I could feel the butterflies in my stomach, though mostof them were from fear rather than excitement.

Everyone except me and Skyla stood ready near the other door, Yoyo had one hand ready on the door handle. I was crouched under the teacher's desk, gun ready to be shot. Skyla was going to open the door.

"Good luck guys!", Freez said.

I gave a thumbs up to Skyla and she opened the door.

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