Chapter 14- Death Of A Dream

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((Well, here we are! A new chapter, and might I say I enjoyed writing this one more than you can possibly imagine. I'm hoping you enjoy reading it as well. I'm so thankful for all of you guys who are still here (I can't say that enough), and everything I do when it comes to this story, I do for you. I won't ramble to keep myself from going into spoilers. XD

Alright, so this chapter is going to be technically split up into two segments, and I'll try to get the second one out over the rest of the weekend.

Okay. Song for this chapter:

Artist: (I'm actually unsure, but I will look into it to find the actual composer.)

Song: Promise (Reprise)


I love you guys SO much, and as always, I truly hope you all enjoy. <3))

         "All that we see or seem......

                        Is but a dream within a dream." -Edgar Allen Poe

Frisk struggled. Oh, how she struggled to wake up. Her eyelids felt like they were attached to ten ton weights, dragging her down to keep her trapped within the hell that she may never escape. Maybe something else would move. She wiggled a few of her fingers, and because she could feel the motion, slowly lifted her hands to her face and rubbed. When she tried again, success came in flecks of sleep cracking away like cement as vision filled the prior darkness. Unfortunately, Frisk soon realized that the victory was a hollow one when she looked around. She was in another wood, dark and eerie. Looking down at her hand, gripping the Polaroid image of her and Chara, she slid it into her back pocket before taking another careful look around. "Hello?..." She called out, but there was no response. It appeared to be the same wood that she'd been walking through with Sans, but a more nightmarish version. "Sans?..." her voice was strained and hoarse, like she'd been screaming for hours. It hurt to call out so loudly, and didn't reward her with a response either. Lifting her gaze, tree branches appeared to lurch at her like the claws of a monster....

....Monster. She'd have to refrain from using that word in a negative sense from now on. Sans was a monster, but nothing like what humans define them as. He was sweet and kind.... and she'd come to adore him. Maybe even love him. Wait... did... did she love him? Is that what this feeling was? Much as she wanted to delve into that thought, something else was far more important that she had to deal with right now. No... what Frisk was more concerned about at the moment was the glade she was in, why she was alone, and why there appeared to be a creepy looking cottage off in the distance. The only light came from holes in what appeared to be darkened canvas atop the ceiling, dulling the color of the grass so that it almost looked gray in contrast to the rest of the blackened forest floor. The brown of the tree bark was nearly black, and as she rose, Frisk could have sworn the branches... had they just... retracted? No. It must have been her eyes playing tricks. Still.... They did seem to be farther away.

Now that she was standing, several yards away, a very small bog became visible. Within this bog however, there were no animals. No sounds, and no movement. It somehow looked more like glass now, mirroring everything that surrounded it within the still of the night. Nothing at all made any sort of movement, save for she herself. Even the grass seemed to hold it's breath in the wake of her presence. When she made to walk away from the cottage, her body slapped into... something. Frisk could see straight ahead of her through the large wood as clear as the rest of the glade, but when a hand came up to try and extend forward, it was stopped by that same invisible force. Running a hand across the smooth surface, she began to walk, continuing to touch it until it almost seemed to come to a corner. Like she was in a giant box with hardened, translucent walls. At the other side of the bog was the wall of a mountain, so there was no going that way. The only remaining thing to inspect....

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