Chapter 3 - Fix You

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(New Update: I'm absolutely FLOORED at the amount of attention brought to this project. I can't stress how absolutely and utterly grateful I am to you all for the out pour of Love for this! PLEASE!! Any fanart, comics, YouTube animations would be SO GREATLY appreciated! Anything to get the word out! Thank you, guys! <3

Theme for this chapter:

Song: Cut

Artist: Plumb

And you'll get tired of seeing it, but as always, Thank you and I hope you enjoy!)

Gnawing at her nails, Frisk paced the small bedroom within her studio apartment. She looked from the bed to the clock, then back to the bed again. Maybe if she made a pot of coffee? Yes! A pot of coffee and she'd be up the entire night! Then again, she had to work a double the next day, and sixteen hours on absolutely no sleep would be not only brutal, but Frisk realized she also couldn't run from this forever. No coffee in the world would keep her awake for the rest of her life. Eventually, her body would give out and she'd sleep anyhow. Whether she chose to or not. At least this way, she'd be safe within her bedroom, and if something happened, this is where she'd wake up. It was already going on midnight, and after the events of the day, her body was so drained that she could fall asleep on her feet given enough time.

It was then that a thought occurred to her. When she'd been near the Save Star last, there had been 2 functions. Save and Reset. If she hit reset, would it take her back to the first room with the patch of flowers? She'd be safe there, what with the door that had locked behind her after she'd finished the first puzzle... That was the only logical answer, and if that was the case, she was going to smash that button like the fucking Hulk.

Crawling into bed, covers drawn up over her body, a long exhale slipped from her lips. Was she ready? Hell no..... "It's okay, Frisk. You can do this." she thought, trying to give herself a bit of a pep talk. Rolling into a fetal position, she closed her eyes and stared into the abyss of black within.....

"Well well. You're back." Why was this voice plaguing her already stress inducing nightmares? Yes. She'd finally admitted it to herself. This was a nightmare, and within nightmares, monsters were definitely real.  "What do you want?" Frisk called out.

"Oh, not much. Just your Soul." it said, followed by ominous laughter that caused the hairs on the back of her neck to stand on end. Without warning, the shroud of darkness lifted. Frisk turned her attention to the Save Star and gasped at what she saw. The save marker was there and fully intact, but the reset button had somehow been cracked into a dozen pieces. "Do you honestly think I haven't seen that little stunt pulled before? Sorry, toots. You're just gonna have to go in there and take care of business." came the voice; taunting from within her own mind like a venomous snake preparing to strike. What was she going to do now? Glancing down, Frisk could see her reflection in the knife that was once again within her grasp. Maybe going into that room armed had somehow pissed the Skeleton off last time, causing him to attack? It was a long shot, but honestly, what did she have to lose at this point? That, and she honestly didn't want to hurt anyone, even if said someone was trying to kill her. Maybe there was a logical reason and she just hadn't figured it out yet. Maybe he could somehow be reasoned with. If there was one thing Frisk loved, it was a good mystery, and this one was the biggest she'd ever encountered. It's not like she was really dying. It also wasn't as though she couldn't tolerate a bit of pain. Well, maybe more than a bit, but it didn't matter. She'd been numb for so long within the real world that, even though it was painful, feeling pain was better than nothing at all. That was the crazy talking again, but it made sense to her, so that was all that really mattered, wasn't it?  The knife was tossed aside, and as it clamored across the floor, Frisk took a deep breath and rounded the corner. The tree, which she'd first thought of as majestic, now added nothing but a horrific sense of foreboding to this room.

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