We ended up painting Lux's room pink and painted her name in bright yellow and purple. We sparkled and decorated until at least 4 am.

No wonder we over slept.

My poor Haz.

"I wish I could drive." I frowned.

He looked at me and smiled.

"I'll try teaching you before I leave in a few days." He nodded.

It was hard imagining Harry leaving yet again. I wasn't ready to let go of him yet.

We made it to the airport just in time.

"Will you tell me who we're getting yet?!" I ached.

"In a minute. You'll see them." He nodded, smiling at my anxiousness.

I groaned.

"I'm going to get a coffee." I mumbled, walking over to the Starbucks section.

"Hi what can I get you?" An obviously tired teen asked me.

"Um, one hot chocolate and one coffee. Um... two sugars and vanilla creamer." I nodded.

She nodded and told the people in the back.

I quickly got my coffee, paid, and went back.

Wait, where is Harry?

I quickly spotted the mop of brown curls sitting on the benches.

"Don't lose me like that you idiot-" I froze when I saw two other people by him.

I shoved the drinks into Harry who hissed from the spilling of the hot liquid.

I pulled the two people into a major hug.

"Why didn't you tell me Marcel and Lux were coming back?!" I screeched, crushing them.

"Nice to see you too Em." Marcel chuckled.

"Emily! I missed you so much!" Lux squeezed me.

I smiled.

"I wanted to surprise you." Harry smiled.

I pecked his cheek.

I grabbed one of the drinks and handed it to Lux.

"I got this for you." I smiled.

"Huh? You didn't know she was coming." Harry stated.

"I'm not an idiot Harry. After last night it was obvious." I rolled my eyes.

Why else would we 'suddenly' paint Lux's room unless she was coming back.

"True." Harry shrugged.

But Marcel was a surprise.

"It's so good to see you again! What are you doing here?" I asked him.

"Well Harry didn't want Lux flying back on her own so he called me." He nodded.

I smiled and hugged the idiot in a sweater vest once again.

These guys were like my second family now.

* * *

"Miss Movin' On!" Lux and I belted out from the back seat.

"Did you have to endure this the whole way up?" Marcel groaned, holding his palms to his ears.

Yup. They were twins alright.

"Just yesterday when I took her to our first gig. The place is bloody huge!" Harry told him.

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