The babysitter

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I was dropped off at the door of the Beckham house or mansion as some people would call it. I nervously knocked on the door and a few moments later a lady answered the door.

"Erm hey I'm the babysitter" I said shyly

"Oh yes dear come in mr and mrs Beckham Will be with you in a minute" she said stepping aside and letting me in.

David, Victoria and their children walked downstairs, Harper being carried by David.

"Hello Hannah!" David welcomed me in a hug

"Hi chick" Victoria said hugging me.

See my dad was close to David and my mom worked with Victoria once upon a time so I kind of knew them and when we moved down the road from them I'd gotten a job of babysitting their kids.

"Hello" I said to them

"This is Brooklyn, Romeo, Cruz and Harper" David said pointing to each kid as he said their name

"Hi I'm Hannah" I said

"Come on in" they said going through to the lounge

I sat on the sofa opposite Victoria, David and Harper. Cruz, Romeo and Brooklyn raced in and crus quickly sat on the seat next to me and stuck his young out at the other two.

"Now boys what have I told you? no fighting over girls." David smiled at the three boys.

"Heyyy there's no space for me!" Romeo said looking at both full sofas.

"Well Cruz could sit on my lap so there would be space for you right next to me" I smiled at the young boy, Cruz nodded so I pulled him onto my lap and before Romeo had a chance to sit Brooklyn slid over taking that seat.

"Now Brooklyn that was his seat" Victoria said disapprovingly

"How about if you move down so I could sit in the middle and then Romeo could sit here" I said to Brooklyn. he moved so I moved and Romeo sat down.

"It's like musical chairs over there, now your all sat next to Hannah no more moving around" David said

"Right kids as we're always out and you didn't approve of the other babysitter we had for you Hannah Will be your new babysitter." Victoria said causing cheers from Romeo and Cruz.

"She lives down the road and we're close to her parents. now when we are gone you do what she says when she says to do it, no fooling around. she is the boss when we are not here" David said firmly

After a hour or so it was time for me to leave. David and Victoria walked me to the door.

"Thanks for the job guys I really need the extra money an it Will be great for my CV and Will help me become a professional child carer" I said hugging them both

"Right we'll see you tomorrow when you'll she how devilish my kids can be" David said

I arrived at the Beckham house at 7am sharp with my weekend bag with my over night essentials. I met David and Victoria at the door.

"Oh I'm sorry if I've keep to waiting" I said

"It's fine sweetie. the kids are still asleep wake them when you want although i suggest you use this peace and quiet wisely it doesn't happen often, have a great night we Will be back tomorrow at around 11pm" Victoria said

"I've left some money in the coco pops cereal box incase you need anything and the kids Will show you around. if you's go out make sure they've for their faces covered. sunglasses, hats, hoods up that stuff. okay here's our taxi have fun bye" David said.

It was 8am and I was bored out of my mind. I was in the main lounge when Cruz came in wearing his monkey onesie.

"Awe who's this little monkey?" I asked

"Meeeeee" he said

"Do you wanna help me? we could wake your brothers up" I asked

"Yes! I'm never allowed to wake them up." he said happily

"Well only this once" I said

"Okay I promise I won't do it ever again unless I'm allowed" he said

"Okay by you'll have to show me where their rooms are" I said

"Here follow me" he said holding his hand out for me to take. I took it and he led me up the stairs.

"This is mam and dads room" he said lading us by the first room

"This is Harpers room" he whispered tiptoeing by a girly room

"This is my room" he said leading my by his room

"This is Romeos room" he said opening the door to a huge room that would be a pre-teen boys dream.

"Lets go get him up then" I said going in.

I sat on the edge of the bed and shook Romeo slightly. nothing happened. Cruz shouted his name down his ear while jumping on the bed, he woke!

"Get the hell out of my room-" Romeo began

"Hey Romeo sup dude" I said cutting him off

"Oh hey Hannah!" he said cheering up a bit.

"Ill give you five minutes to wake up then ill be back" I said leaving Cruz in there with him. I went to the next door assuming it was Brooklyn's and I was correct.

I went in and opened the curtains, the light shining right in the sleeping boys eyes, he just turned over. I sat don his bed and shook him.

"Brooklyn get up!" I said softly I just got grumbled at "okay Brooklyn ill go get Cruz to wake you" I said standing up.

"Whoa whoa whoa! I'm up!" he said sitting up slightly

"Morning sleeping beauty" I said sitting back on the edge of his bed

"So I take it mam and dad left already" he said with his morning voice.

"Yea I've just woke Romeo up with Cruz." I said and right on cue the two come running in Romeo in a onesie with footballs on.

"Hi guys. Hannah can you make breakfast?" Cruz said sitting on my lap.

"Yea sure once your brother is out of bed" I said nodding towards Brooklyn

Romeo and Cruz nodded at each other before grabbing the covers and yanking them off Brooklyn's bed leaving him laying there in just his boxers.

"I am so glad I didn't decide to sleep nude last night" Brooklyn said

"So are we" I said on behalf of the two smaller boys "now Mr. lazy get up I'm going I try to make pancakes" I said standing and walking out. Brooklyn stood up and was about it follow me until I stopped him "clothes" I reminded him

"Do I have to?" he sighed

"Pants at least" I said

"Fine" he sighed going to his wardrobe

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